Hi Moje,
If I had nothing, no money, nowhere to live - lets hope I'd have clothes or the sight might scare the neighbours (lol) - I think I could still find happiness. Its a quality that comes from within. It's closely associated with love, and love is easy to access without it being associated with a person, by simply looking at something you think beautiful. Stare at whatever you are looking at (a flower, whatever - can be anything) until you actually
feel that beauty. It feels like being in love. It raises your energy level too. I found this technique in a book, 'The Celestine Prophecy' by James Redfield.
The first time I used it, I felt like jumping outta my skin, it was that good.
My happiness isn't reliant on what I have, but on how I feel.
Can you find the good in bad or unfortunate events? Even if its just the size of a nanoparticle.
It is a different perspective
:-) .
From: Sue McEwen <chinkajack@iprimus. com.au> Subject: Re: [mylifeismine] Re: Which One is a Good/Bad Day? To: mylifeismine@ yahoogroups. com.au Received: Sunday, 31 August, 2008, 11:09 PM
One of the most important things in my life is happiness. It can't be bought, and no one can't take it away unless I let them. TTFN Sue