[mylifeismine] lost

hi guys, all of you are right but i am still so piss weak and feel that this could be my undoing and feel that i dont seem to care about the consequences, but i know that its a load of shit of course i will care if i dont end it.....can anyone help? guide me tell me how to get over it please

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Re: [mylifeismine] Do not let other people control your life

hi David,
it feels so right to you because you love yourself more than aynone else.
Your ego is telling you that is right, that makes you young and diserable. Thats why you are blind.
I do recomend the book "the new earth" as well. Or maybe any book that talks about the ego. It´s hard to see the light when the ego blinds us.
But i got to admit, it feel good when it last but you got be able to see the other side too. what you family would think about this, does that make you feel good too,? well, it is hard... hope the book will help you...or a couselor. cheers igor


--- On Wed, 10/6/09, Iskander Alam Chowdhury (Ivan) <iivan76@yahoo.com> wrote:

From: Iskander Alam Chowdhury (Ivan) <iivan76@yahoo.com>
Subject: [mylifeismine] Do not let other people control your life
To: mylifeismine@yahoogroups.com.au
Received: Wednesday, 10 June, 2009, 6:20 PM

I would like to recommend a book to you read it " A New Earth" by Echart Tolle . Its a book that you have to read with ultimate passion and patient. Read understand, Re-read Re understand and then ask those questions you  to yourself. You will have the answer by your self. Please don't ask direction from others. Its not good when people take control of your life.

I hope I am clear. But if you need any further information I am happy to talk.


--- On Tue, 9/6/09, david johnson <camarosa10000@ yahoo.com. au> wrote:

From: david johnson <camarosa10000@ yahoo.com. au>
Subject: [mylifeismine] lost?
To: mylifeismine@ yahoogroups. com.au
Received: Tuesday, 9 June, 2009, 9:49 PM

hi everyone i am currently having an affair and now it's wrong have been married for 14 years 4 kids and infatuated with a 22 year old, what do i need to see the light, i know it's wrong but it feels so right when i am with her, can someone give me some advice this is the 1st time and i love my wife and kids to death, why is it so hard for me to understand that i am doing the wrong thing, probably not the right thing to post, either way my heart will be broken bigtime and i know that i am the one to blame
regards Dave

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[mylifeismine] Do not let other people control your life

I would like to recommend a book to you read it " A New Earth" by Echart Tolle . Its a book that you have to read with ultimate passion and patient. Read understand, Re-read Re understand and then ask those questions you  to yourself. You will have the answer by your self. Please don't ask direction from others. Its not good when people take control of your life.

I hope I am clear. But if you need any further information I am happy to talk.


--- On Tue, 9/6/09, david johnson <camarosa10000@yahoo.com.au> wrote:

From: david johnson <camarosa10000@yahoo.com.au>
Subject: [mylifeismine] lost?
To: mylifeismine@yahoogroups.com.au
Received: Tuesday, 9 June, 2009, 9:49 PM

hi everyone i am currently having an affair and now it's wrong have been married for 14 years 4 kids and infatuated with a 22 year old, what do i need to see the light, i know it's wrong but it feels so right when i am with her, can someone give me some advice this is the 1st time and i love my wife and kids to death, why is it so hard for me to understand that i am doing the wrong thing, probably not the right thing to post, either way my heart will be broken bigtime and i know that i am the one to blame
regards Dave

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[mylifeismine] Re: lost?

--- In mylifeismine@yahoogroups.com.au, "david johnson" <camarosa10000@...> wrote:
> hi everyone i am currently having an affair and now it's wrong have been married for 14 years 4 kids and infatuated with a 22 year old, what do i need to see the light, i know it's wrong but it feels so right when i am with her, can someone give me some advice this is the 1st time and i love my wife and kids to death, why is it so hard for me to understand that i am doing the wrong thing, probably not the right thing to post, either way my heart will be broken bigtime and i know that i am the one to blame
> regards Dave
Hi david, the grass always looks greener on the other side, but its only an infatuation, so your heart is not with this 22year old, yes its great for the ego, but is your family worth loosing over this infatuation? As we get older we like less complications do really need this problem?

loretta ps go with your heart

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Re: [mylifeismine] lost?

Hi David
 Well who amongst us has not been in a stituation like yours? When we have been tempted?! Tempatation is there every where - in that sinful chocolate cake, in the expensive dress or shoes, or that beautiful person so close by who seems to be everything our spouse is not!
 If you've been married 14 years then no doubt a lot of the magic has fizzled out. Life may have become routine and all about the kids. It is situations like these that test our will power and character dont you think?
If your wife loves you and trusts you then think of her with compassion and empathy. Forget that she is your wife but  another human being. Does she deserve this? (You said you loved your wife and kids so I am assuming all is fine with you guys).
I also think that the young 22 year old who is starting out in life does not deserve to have her heart broken. If she is serious about you and if you are not going to leave your wife then it will be hell for her. These things leave their scars on the mind.
It is so easy for men to stray. But step up and be a real man and be strong. The world needs more men like that. Be there for your family, be there for your wife and some day life will reward you when you least expect it.. Temptations are temporary really. Time takes care of all. And life always throws these challenges at us. Each and every day. Tell yourself you are man enough to resist them.
Best of luck
Warm regards

--- On Tue, 9/6/09, david johnson <camarosa10000@yahoo.com.au> wrote:

From: david johnson <camarosa10000@yahoo.com.au>
Subject: [mylifeismine] lost?
To: mylifeismine@yahoogroups.com.au
Date: Tuesday, 9 June, 2009, 5:49 PM

hi everyone i am currently having an affair and now it's wrong have been married for 14 years 4 kids and infatuated with a 22 year old, what do i need to see the light, i know it's wrong but it feels so right when i am with her, can someone give me some advice this is the 1st time and i love my wife and kids to death, why is it so hard for me to understand that i am doing the wrong thing, probably not the right thing to post, either way my heart will be broken bigtime and i know that i am the one to blame
regards Dave

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Re: [mylifeismine] Re: leaving...

Hi everyone
 As usual Gail always inspires me to post! I am going to save the third paragraph of Gail's mail and read it often. This is what most of us do. We really do charge through life expecting answers. (BTW whatever I am writing is nothing to do with Kiki or her decision to leave the group - these are just thoughts that Gail has provoked).
 Gail's mail reminds me of a teacher I had way back in college. He often had some brillaint yet young students asking him questions many of which to the students chagrin he refused to answer. He would very often bluntly say - ask me a couple of years later when you have read some more. He also refused to teach until he thought the student was ready to learn or deserved to learn.
One of life's most painful lessons is learning how to cope when we dont get what we want. I am still learning. I feel that to on with joy in your life even when you have been sorely disappointed requires that you believe that life is a precious beautiful gift. You have to believe in life thats all. Many dont have even this basic gift of life, or it is taken away from them too soon.
 Learning to be patient is one of the most difficult lessons in my life and I often fail miserably. I still blow up over things and then wish I had'nt. I still expect too much out of life. Is it really possible to be completely at peace with yourself while coping with all the frustrations and demands of life? How can we tone down our desires but still continue working hard and be the best we are?
 Kiki sorry about your posts though. I usually check for all posts but sometimes over the weekend things get occasionally delayed.
Warm Regards

--- On Wed, 10/6/09, Gail <positiveeq@yahoo.com..au> wrote:

From: Gail <positiveeq@yahoo.com.au>
Subject: Re: [mylifeismine] Re: leaving...
To: mylifeismine@yahoogroups.com..au
Date: Wednesday, 10 June, 2009, 4:45 AM

Hi Kiki,
Just a shout out to others who have recently joined ... as previously pointed out this is a voluntary group. Some of us have been here quite some time, and we do respond, DEPENDENT on what our current circumstances are.
I think this has presented a good opportunity to learn a little something - the previous member who joined & left within a few days has been shown a personal lesson - that of patience and understanding, which hopefully we all realise is ESSENTIAL to our journey here on this planet.
To learn that we do not get what we want, when we want it is extremely important. But if they are able to find answers elsewhere, that is wonderful for them. Charging through life demanding answers and responses often merely creates more frustration, rather than liberation.
Have a lovely day, & welcome to all the newbies,
Much love, Gail

From: kikipixel <kikipixel@yahoo. com>
To: mylifeismine@ yahoogroups. com.au
Sent: Monday, 8 June, 2009 6:36:45 PM
Subject: [mylifeismine] Re: leaving...

--- In mylifeismine@ yahoogroups. com.au, "hawaii062003" <hawaii062003@ ...> wrote:
> My posts are not getting shared, so I'm leaving...
> Not sure if it is a yanoo thing or group thing??...or what.....
> Got to move on, sorry.....

pity i see them ut to confusing how to get on he thread otherwise happy to be read and read yrs..etcc...

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