Re: Fw: [mylifeismine] An essential difference between men and women??

--- In, Mo Je <moje43@...> wrote:
> Hi all, Just a quick look and quick reply: As obvious essential
major difference is due to main s determine hormones (testosterone
and progesterone), which cause all physiological (Thyroid, lactating,
growth, GLI, other hormones, enzymes, metabolism, anatomy and whole
physiology) and emotional differences. Regards, M
> Frankomelb <frankomelb@...> wrote:
> Thanks for all the thoughts/opinions that have been
coming through on this forum.
> I have been reading them as they come and have found this topic
the first one to make a contribution-
> The biggest difference might be that guys tend to hang on until
stuff becomes overwhelming.
> We often tell ourselves that things will work out and that
everything will be alright.
> This is often a delusion as there are so many things that we have
no control over.
> When things don't work the way we hope/wish/plan and then
actually realise this new situation, it goes directly against
everything we have told ourselves and want to believe. So at that
point, it all falls apart, and we simply lose the plot and ourselves
in the process.
> Therapy/counselling is a wonderful thing for both the individual
as well as a couple (providing you are both committed).
> But you'll only get as much out of the sessions as you're
prepared to put in.
> That means getting real about your issues and truly talking about
and exploring your feelings.
> The difference with me perhaps is I'm a Gen-Xer who's taking
responsibility for my life fully and not prepared to put up with BS
in my life.
> ----- Forwarded Message ----
> From: Rose Lind <roselind@...>
> To:
> Sent: Tuesday, 26 February, 2008 7:15:05 PM
> Subject: Re: [mylifeismine] An essential difference between men and
> Well, for me, it is like if I off-load somewhere I have the
pay the price.
> I see a counsellor when necessary and that is not often but a
good safety net.
> I guess it is not in most people's reality that counselling is a
movement forward.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: xiaoli ma
> To: mylifeismine@ yahoogroups.
> Sent: Monday, February 25, 2008 9:26 PM
> Subject: Re: [mylifeismine] An essential difference between men
and women??
> it can be embarrassing to share some things
> ANTHONY DWYER <tammyredsurf@ au> wrote: THATS RIGHT
> Julie Neill <julientuareg@> wrote: I was having a
discussion last night with two men regarding separation
> (surprise surprise). They both agreed that they kept their
> from their wives a secret for as long as possible (both wives left
> them after 25 years +). When questioned they commented that it was
> embarrassing to tell people what had happened to them. I on the
> hand told everyone - whether they were interested or not!! My
> was share the load!!. Is this a male / female thing and if so why do
> men want to keep these things hidden as long as possible?
> Julie
> ---------------------------------
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> Get the name you always wanted with the new y7mail email
> Well my experience has been the opposite with my wife pretending to
most of her friends that she has the perfect marriage.
Her girlfriends except her best friend do not know we are seperated,
living seperate social lives for some time now.Live in seperate
bedrooms in the same house, she has an overseas man who she is about
to see and will be gone for at least two months. Really i dont
understand why she just doesnt tell people , but then i suppose I am
still the reserve partner LOL.
> ---------------------------------
> Get the name you always wanted with the new y7mail email
> ---------------------------------
> Get the name you always wanted with the new y7mail email address.

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Fw: [mylifeismine] Re: When CHANGE is Necessary...

--- In, Frankomelb <frankomelb@...>
> I heard this saying once and believe it to be quite pertinent here
and now:
> "Change occurs when the pain of change is less than the pain of
staying the same."
> ----- Forwarded Message ----
> From: ff0897 <ff0897@...>
> To:
> Sent: Thursday, 10 July, 2008 10:03:05 PM
> Subject: [mylifeismine] Re: When CHANGE is Necessary...
> I think it is harder to change something that exists is more
> difficult than changing and starting something new...The most
> difficult thing about any change is recognizing it is needed and
> taking the first step towards that change...
> --- In mylifeismine@ yahoogroups., sangita borgave
> <sangita142002@ ...> wrote:
> >
> > hmm. In layman's terms does that mean that change is the most
> difficult thing.  And starting something new is a difficult
> Both perhaps?
> >
> > --- On Wed, 9/7/08, perry enriquez <perryenriquez@ ...> wrote:
> >
> > From: perry enriquez <perryenriquez@ ...>
> > Subject: [mylifeismine] When CHANGE is Necessary...
> > To: mylifeismine@ yahoogroups.
> > Date: Wednesday, 9 July, 2008, 3:26 PM
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > It must be considered that there is nothing more difficult to
> > out, nor more doubtful of success, nor more dangerous to handle,
> than
> > to initiate a new order of things. (Niccolo Machiavelli, 1469-
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > OH Yes change it actually keeps us alive !!!
I am in the process of seperation and eventual divorce from my
partner of 21 years, I know its due to happen and realize it will be
for the best for me and my children.I have delayed facing this as
there are always complex considerations and when do you actually do
it ?
Now is the time / sometimes life is about timing!!!!!!
My ex (wife) is heading overseas for two months to meet up with her
potential new man, which is a big secret.She wants to leave me with
everything and sort it out when she returns, so talk about options.
Life is often messy and I think people avoid big changes until there
is a trigger factor which pushes them forward into change.
Really enough is enough for me now , so change is on the way, I need
to breath again.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Did you know? You can CHAT without downloading messenger. Go
> to http://in.messenger webmessengerprom o.php/
> >
> Start at the new Yahoo!7 for a better online experience.

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Fw: [mylifeismine] Re: When CHANGE is Necessary...

I heard this saying once and believe it to be quite pertinent here and now:
"Change occurs when the pain of change is less than the pain of staying the same."
----- Forwarded Message ----
From: ff0897 <>
Sent: Thursday, 10 July, 2008 10:03:05 PM
Subject: [mylifeismine] Re: When CHANGE is Necessary...

I think it is harder to change something that exists is more
difficult than changing and starting something new...The most
difficult thing about any change is recognizing it is needed and
taking the first step towards that change...

--- In mylifeismine@ yahoogroups., sangita borgave
<sangita142002@ ...> wrote:
> hmm. In layman's terms does that mean that change is the most
difficult thing.  And starting something new is a difficult thing.
Both perhaps?
> --- On Wed, 9/7/08, perry enriquez <perryenriquez@ ...> wrote:
> From: perry enriquez <perryenriquez@ ...>
> Subject: [mylifeismine] When CHANGE is Necessary...
> To: mylifeismine@ yahoogroups.
> Date: Wednesday, 9 July, 2008, 3:26 PM
> It must be considered that there is nothing more difficult to carry
> out, nor more doubtful of success, nor more dangerous to handle,
> to initiate a new order of things. (Niccolo Machiavelli, 1469-1527)
> Did you know? You can CHAT without downloading messenger. Go
to http://in.messenger webmessengerprom o.php/

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[mylifeismine] Re: When CHANGE is Necessary...

I think it is harder to change something that exists is more
difficult than changing and starting something new...The most
difficult thing about any change is recognizing it is needed and
taking the first step towards that change...

--- In, sangita borgave
<sangita142002@...> wrote:
> hmm. In layman's terms does that mean that change is the most
difficult thing.  And starting something new is a difficult thing.
Both perhaps?
> --- On Wed, 9/7/08, perry enriquez <perryenriquez@...> wrote:
> From: perry enriquez <perryenriquez@...>
> Subject: [mylifeismine] When CHANGE is Necessary...
> To:
> Date: Wednesday, 9 July, 2008, 3:26 PM
> It must be considered that there is nothing more difficult to carry
> out, nor more doubtful of success, nor more dangerous to handle,
> to initiate a new order of things. (Niccolo Machiavelli, 1469-1527)
> Did you know? You can CHAT without downloading messenger. Go

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Re: [mylifeismine] When CHANGE is Necessary...

hmm. In layman's terms does that mean that change is the most difficult thing.  And starting something new is a difficult thing. Both perhaps?

--- On Wed, 9/7/08, perry enriquez <> wrote:
From: perry enriquez <>
Subject: [mylifeismine] When CHANGE is Necessary...
Date: Wednesday, 9 July, 2008, 3:26 PM

It must be considered that there is nothing more difficult to carry
out, nor more doubtful of success, nor more dangerous to handle, than
to initiate a new order of things. (Niccolo Machiavelli, 1469-1527)

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