[mylifeismine] Re: GROW mor iinfo


GROW meetings are run by the members themselves, according to a
well structured and successful format.
During the meeting, members can share their problems, learn how to rebuild their lives and report on their progress.
Meetings are supportive and non-threatening, positive and
A typical group has 5 – 9 people and meets weekly, day or night.
Meetings last two hours and are followed by refreshments.
Members are known in their group on a first name basis only and make a commitment to confidentiality.
It can take courage to go to your first meeting — but you are not alone. 
Others have felt fearful the first time.
There is no pressure to say anything you control the pace of your involvement.
No fees are charged, however a small donation to meet necessary expenses is usual, though strictly voluntary.
 A variety of training, community building activities (including residential weekends) and social activities backs up the essential group process.

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