[mylifeismine] Re: New Member

Hi All!!

Its great to be onboard. I havnt joined a discussion group around
lifes challenges before so im really looking forward to hearing from
everyone. Well my name is Jem (f), im 21 years young and in my final
stages of uni. Ive dealt with depression for some time now and
looking back through my high school years it was definately
something that affected me pretty heavily, although because of
the 'shame factor' i didnt talk about it, i didnt do anything about
it and i definately didnt ask for help. Which is why this group i
feel is soooo important for people who are struggling silently. At
the moment i feel as though my life has stagnated a bit....my dreams
and ambitions have taken a back seat and i really feel as though im
just living and am not ALIVE! Im thinking about moving
cities.....but then those deeply imbedded feelings that i have are
just going to follow me. I feel fortunate though that i am
experiencing this at quite a young age....its all life experience at
the end of the day huh? Anyways im looking forward to talking to
people about how they manage with feelings of depression and as
though your life is stagnating through positive steps. Thanks for
welcoming me!

Stay Strong


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Re: Fw: Re: [mylifeismine] Re: -> more love -> Indigo's...

is Wendy Chapman's website where I found a new direction.
Many people will have some of the 25 points listed, but Indigo's tend to have most, if not all, of the them.
and  http://www.sunfell.com/adult.htm is another page also written by Wendy Chapman

Many people consider this just another label, but everything has a label or name, its when we are defined only by the label that we diminish.
Whether you are Indigo or not isn't the issue so much as finding your way and understanding who you are. This website is a stepping stone for many that fit the label.
Many Indigo's have had a hard time of it from the word go - everyone has problems and Indigo's can have more simply because they can be more aware.
If you or anyone you know has mental health issues and is somewhat of an 'outsider', they might be an Indigo.

A dear friend of mine has had problems for a long time - I read out the list of points from the website to him and he was amazed that I was describing him so well (lol). As time goes by there are more and more of us realising we are 'different'.
Indigo's tend to have a warrior spirit. We stick up for those that aren't as strong; we want top make things 'right' in the world. We want to make it safer for all, particularly the Crystal children that follow in the path of the Indigo's.
Sounds like something out of Lord of the Rings saga or another epic adventure, but those stories were written by people and some of them might have been Indigo (lol).

People who are not Indigo can become Indigo through a shift in perception, consciousness or awareness.
Indigo's can become 'Crystal'. This is a shift closer towards Christ consciousness - I am not being religious here.
We are all one.
It's somewhat like an evolution of the human spirit. Things are getting better as more and more experience a shift their awareness.
It is important how we think about our lives and the world we live in. To not dwell on the negative to the exclusion of the positive.
Be true to yourself. Live with gratitude.
People that accept you don't mind you being yourself. Those that are offended by this have no place in your life.
Growing up I didn't bow to peer pressure, even when I was a kid. Being by myself was better than trying to be someone I wasn't.
This is where the company of animals comes into its own. They have no preconceived idea of who we should be, only how we are.

When I moved to my present location I made friends with a woman that's trodden the hard road emotionally and she showed me a path that's led to a lot of healing on my part. Beginning with Louise L. Hay's book 'You can heal your life'. From this attitude the way forward has grown so that now I might just have found a life partner. Will know more of this in a couple of weeks. I will either stick my foot in my mouth up to my hip or everything will be just fine. Better than fine (lol).
The lives we live on the inside (of ourselves) is reflected in our outward living (outward appearance and life). Its more than what you look like in the mirror, its affects what happens to you and about you in the outside world.

Got car trouble? What have you been thinking about? What's screwed up in your life?
Resolve this and your car might work properly again. I'm not kidding and it does depend on what's 'wrong'.
EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) is one of the best healing modalities on the planet and its free. There is a downloadable .pdf file at www.emofree.com if you sign up for the newsletter (which is worthwhile).

Another interesting book along the same lines as Louise Hay and The Secret is a book called 'Thought Forces' by Prentice Mulford. He was a man well ahead of his time and The Secret and Louise Hay's work might have come from what this fella wrote of.
and Google 'Prentice Mulford'.

Happy reading

sangita borgave wrote:

Hi Sue
 As always there is so much to be gained by reading your mails! I was particularly intrigued by the last bit. What do you mean by "Indigo Adult"? You say it opened up a whole new world of understanding for you and that definately sounds interesting. Also the part about feeling like an outsider.
 I feel that we are really alone in this magnificient journey of life. If you can understand that, handle it with courage then you can really appreciate the company and closeness of people like your friends and family. Appreciate their concern, their love and companionship. But for this you have to realise that we are truly alone, and when the chips are down you can depend only on yourself. if you are willing to do that help comes from unexpected quarters. I believe in the saying that God helps those who help themselves. A saying of few simple words but with such profound meaning.
  We will always see things from a unique perspective which will always be our own. As we grow older we begin to stand by our views and begin to be unafraid to stand by ourselves. I think we can all remember the time when we were young and often succumbed to the frightening demands of peer pressure! I think there should be special classes in schools all around the world about jsut being yourself, being totally comfortable and handling pressures of life. Is'nt it sad that all we are focussed on today is money and the trappings it brings!
  I always think it is exhausting and a lot of hard work to mantain relationships and be yourself. Not be swayed, balckmailed(emotionally), or become apathetic in relationships. Its a fight but worth it.
  All in thats life
Regards Sangita


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