[mylifeismine] ... What a life..

Hi folks,

This thing about relationships is very complex.Everyone has their own story.
Mine is no different.
I have lived in Australia for the past 15 years illegally. How did i get it? well, it is a long story but the point is, i have lived there for all those years with no problems.
I had a good job (an area manager of a fast food chain) for ten years.
Paid my taxes like everyone else. Not involved in drugs,crimes etc.
I was just a normal guy trying to live my life in a country that i loved.

You might ask? Why did i love Australia so much?
Well, i can't explain. From the first time i step in the Australian soil i felt like i have lived there before, even though i did not speak the language fluently.
Now i am here in Brazil,back to my origin country.I have been here less than 2 month. Why?

Only because of my health, otherwise i would continually staying in Australia.
I am 47 years old and i had to do a blood test to check my prostate.
In Apr 08 it was (PSA 2.6).The average PSA for man is 2.5.
My GP told me that i had to do the test again to make sure.
Well, it took me 8 month to do that. Only because i felt that wasn't too bad.
In Nov 09 i did it again and came up with PSA 11. Sure i got scared.

On top of that, i got ulcerative colitis (an heritage inflammation of the colon).
My doctor said that this could be the cause of the higher level of PSA.
To my despair, the medication for the ulcerative colitis costs A$300 a box only because i did not have the MEDICARE card.(i was an  illegal immigrant, remember?)
Therefore, i was costing me a lot of money to maintain myself in Australia.
Now with this prostate test i had to investigate what's going on.

My doctor advised me to go back to Brazil as the country would not help me financially to do all tests and possibly operation there.
So in one month i got rid off all my belongs and came back to Brazil.

Now i am here, after 15 years without seeing my family. Of course i am pleased with it.
To see Mom and Dad, my only brother after 15 years is a great thing.

But i have no money saved, only the money i used to travel. Left my car with friends to be sold, closed the bank accounts and rushed to Brazil.
Now i am doing all the tests to check my health. It takes time as i had to redo all my Brazilian documentation again. (driver's license, id's, and health fund id,etc)
To be honest, i didn't want to come back.
I was happy there, even though i was working a lot, i had my place, car, belongings all conquered by myself those past years.

The customs told me that i could not go back to Australia within 3 years.
The only way i can go back is marrying someone.
Now you are saying about relationships, yep, it's hard to find a good company to live with for the rest of your life. I didn't find anyone...yet. (of course had some good people in my life, but not permanently)

I am desperately to go back to Australia and i am considering ask someone to marry me only to get the permanent visa. This way i could come and go whenever i want.
I don't want to pay anyone to do that (as I've seen many friends doing it there), firstly because i don't have money to pay, secondly i still think that there are good people out there that could do this from the heart.

You might ask, what do i get in exchange?
Well,, you might get the Brazilian passport, the same way i get the Australian and both of us will have at least some years of good company. Am not saying sexually attached but a good company to be with, go to movies, work, discuss our lives, learn form each other, cultures, languages, laugh, watch video together, read, coffee, etc... there are heaps of things to enjoy a good company... and maybe even to fall in love but this is not essential.

I am half happy for coming back to Brazil, as i can look after my health near my family (the only people in world cares about you) but in the other hand, my heart is in Australia and friends i have made there.

Can i ask you? Does things in life come for a reason? Will i ever go back to Australia and live happy thereafter?
Will i go trough this health problems and fight (find a way) to go back to Australia.
Heaps of questions are coming to my mind now, but i can't find the answer.

I just wanted to share this with you guys, as i said, each one of us have their own story, how would end, we are not sure. We got keep going and expect the best of it.

Thank you for reading this, i understand is a long story. There is more but i can't write it all here.
wish you the best, and "the force be with you"




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[mylifeismine] Could those be signs of depression?

It all started when I felt like something might be wrong with me, I
was feeling tired, no energy, I would wake up early in the morning,
and give out by mid-day. It was obvious by the way my clothes were
fitting, that I was putting on a few pounds, I seem to be irritated by
everything, and everyone around me. I couldn't focus for any length of
time, and panic was setting in over the fact that I couldn't seem to
remember anything.
Sometimes women think that they are just overwhelmed because of the
daily list of "things to do", it's only when I started to research
several of the symptoms that I was having, that I discovered that it
was a much deeper issue that I was dealing with.
Experts believe that the increased chance of depression in women may
be related to changes in hormone levels that occur throughout a
woman's life.

I invite you to read the full story at..


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Re: [mylifeismine] What to do?? Friend's hubby is a cheater.....

have you thought that she may know and not want to know, i have seen that situation.
it does sound as though he is very indiscreet but you have to be very careful. she may have her eyes shut to it rather than lose a marriage
tread very carefully it sounds as though a few people know if i were to approach someone it would be him not her.
he knows what he is doing and he could be very embarrased to find he has been chatting up one of his wifes friends, maybe not. but if you talk to her about it be prepared for the concequences which will possibly be devastating for her.
he is if he does this behind her back a cad so i would care less about him, but be very very careful
he should not do it but perhaps she unconciously know he does
please be careful for her sake

--- On Mon, 2/16/09, lana.ingham <lana.ingham@yahoo.com.au> wrote:
From: lana.ingham <lana.ingham@yahoo.com.au>
Subject: [mylifeismine] What to do?? Friend's hubby is a cheater.....
To: mylifeismine@yahoogroups.com.au
Date: Monday, February 16, 2009, 10:39 AM

I hope that I can get some ideas off some of you here....
One of my best friend's husbands is a cheater - and she has no idea...
I know this is a fact - he has hit on me and also a few other mutual
friends. At first I thought he was just joking but one of my friends
has found his profile in a singles site and he is definately trying to
get the women. He is succeeding too if one can believe what he has
told her in there (he has no idea who he is sending messages to with
her; as she has not let on who she really is to him. Just seeing what
he says to her.)
I don't know if I agree with that part. But the part I know I really
don't agree with is the fact that he is DOING this and his wife has NO
idea and it would devastate her if she knew.
Apparantely he has done this for years, he isn't a youngen by any
means - he is pushing 64-65 years old. I just don't know what to do or
whether to do anything about it anyway.
But then I talk to his wife, my best friend and I feel so sad about it
What does a person do in this situation???
Any ideas will be very appreciated.

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Re: [mylifeismine] What to do?? Friend's hubby is a cheater.....

You can only follow your conscience. Were I in your place I would tell my best friend what I know.
It might be that she knows and appears to be ignorant to save face, and maybe not. Some relationships are like this, and many are not.
The eaisest way to tell your friend might be to show her a printout of his online profile. Say 'look what I found' and that you are worried about her.
If everything is OK between them there should be no harm done.
Marriage is supposed to be based on trust and commitment.
If he is doing this behind his wife's back then he has betrayed her trust and the basic premise of marriage.
Would you be happy if one of your friends knew your husband (for eg.) was doing this and they didn't tell you?
Probably not.
If your friend becomes angry that you stuck your nose in - simply tell her you did it because you care about her, your best friend.

lana.ingham wrote:

I hope that I can get some ideas off some of you here....
One of my best friend's husbands is a cheater - and she has no idea...
I know this is a fact - he has hit on me and also a few other mutual
friends. At first I thought he was just joking but one of my friends
has found his profile in a singles site and he is definately trying to
get the women. He is succeeding too if one can believe what he has
told her in there (he has no idea who he is sending messages to with
her; as she has not let on who she really is to him. Just seeing what
he says to her.)
I don't know if I agree with that part. But the part I know I really
don't agree with is the fact that he is DOING this and his wife has NO
idea and it would devastate her if she knew.
Apparantely he has done this for years, he isn't a youngen by any
means - he is pushing 64-65 years old. I just don't know what to do or
whether to do anything about it anyway.
But then I talk to his wife, my best friend and I feel so sad about it
What does a person do in this situation???
Any ideas will be very appreciated.

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[mylifeismine] What to do?? Friend's hubby is a cheater.....

I hope that I can get some ideas off some of you here....
One of my best friend's husbands is a cheater - and she has no idea...
I know this is a fact - he has hit on me and also a few other mutual
friends. At first I thought he was just joking but one of my friends
has found his profile in a singles site and he is definately trying to
get the women. He is succeeding too if one can believe what he has
told her in there (he has no idea who he is sending messages to with
her; as she has not let on who she really is to him. Just seeing what
he says to her.)
I don't know if I agree with that part. But the part I know I really
don't agree with is the fact that he is DOING this and his wife has NO
idea and it would devastate her if she knew.
Apparantely he has done this for years, he isn't a youngen by any
means - he is pushing 64-65 years old. I just don't know what to do or
whether to do anything about it anyway.
But then I talk to his wife, my best friend and I feel so sad about it
What does a person do in this situation???
Any ideas will be very appreciated.

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Re: [mylifeismine] Hello all

it can be hard to forgive, but to not forgive can be more harmful to you.
holding bitterness inside is very hard on a person and self destructive in my experience.
it is always easier to forgive those who accept this graciously and at least with good will and aknowledgement, but they cannot accept what is not given.
they can ask for it but for some this is too hard, so it will only make you feel stronger and more able if you offer the olive branch to them.
hope i am of some use for you
always choose your words carefully, so as not to offend or embarrass
coose a discreet place that is mutually comfortable
and best of luck

--- On Mon, 2/16/09, Bernie Goss <bernie_goss@yahoo.com.au> wrote:
From: Bernie Goss <bernie_goss@yahoo.com.au>
Subject: Re: [mylifeismine] Hello all
To: mylifeismine@yahoogroups.com.au
Date: Monday, February 16, 2009, 5:40 AM

Hello Michelle
Welcome to the group I have been very inactive lately but plan to join in more frequently.
I agree with Ingrid I believe you have had a lot of life experiences and your input will be great.
I am 55 years old  lady I have 3 children and 3 grandchildren I am with my only husband and the ride with him has been every colour of the rainbow. I am currently running my own business and always learning about relationships which I feel is for me -a very difficult area in my life
Who can give some advice on forgiveness it seems I hang much to much to the past
Any words of wisdom?
Have a great day

--- On Mon, 16/2/09, Ingrid <ingridm64@yahoo. com.au> wrote:

From: Ingrid <ingridm64@yahoo. com.au>
Subject: Re: [mylifeismine] Hello all
To: mylifeismine@ yahoogroups. com.au
Received: Monday, 16 February, 2009, 11:11 AM

Hello Michelle
hey I am 44 with 3 children (only one at home now) and two ex-husbands plenty of life experience as well!

--- On Wed, 11/2/09, gapeach1210 <gapeach1210@ yahoo.com> wrote:

From: gapeach1210 <gapeach1210@ yahoo.com>
Subject: [mylifeismine] Hello all
To: mylifeismine@ yahoogroups. com.au
Received: Wednesday, 11 February, 2009, 7:38 AM

I am very glad to be a part of your group. As 43 year young woman with
4 children, 2 ex-husbands and a lot of opinions and experiences, I hope
to be an activvee part of the group.


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