Re: [mylifeismine] What is REALITY?

Love the intellectual calibre of our members. What a
truly inspiring discussion. My hat off to you all!
More please.


--- Dean Nicholas <> wrote:

> I don't agree that we create our own reality. I
> think reality is something forced on to us by a
> predetermined history, economy etc. You asked us to
> imagine a beating heart. Now imagine, you were born
> with nothing of the comforts of what you have now.
> Even food, truly can that being create a different
> reality?
> I think not. There are many people who suffer
> because of philosophical elitism. For example the
> Africa problem. It is their problem after all. Not a
> global problem. It's an African political problem is
> it not?
> For each of us to create our own "world" and how we
> perceived it, i think would be to identify a
> delusion of something not real. I do agree that it
> is to the individual to create their own state of
> mind an attitude. However, family, culture and
> environmental factors in how that individual
> responses are a tautology, a monkey see monkey do
> scenario. Each one of us beings is not an
> "Island" we rely on each other in some form of
> recognition and approval. Therefore creating ones
> own reality is a cooperative method.
> But this leaves me saying, we are born naked and
> from our mothers we come, we journey and suffer
> through out life, we die clothed and alone.What we
> do in between time is entertain our intellects and
> dance around the truth. Money truly is the root of
> all evil necessity i think. If you don't agree you
> can post it all to me, i'm sure you wont mind.
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: chris cleary <>
> To:
> Sent: Monday, 4 August, 2008 3:12:49 AM
> Subject: RE: [mylifeismine] What is REALITY?
> Very well said perry i like it
> ________________________________
> To: mylifeismine@ yahoogroups.
> From: perryenriquez@
> Date: Sun, 3 Aug 2008 09:31:45 +0000
> Subject: [mylifeismine] What is REALITY?
> REALITY is how YOU "define" it. Hard to believe?
> Imagine being born
> without your FIVE (5) senses; that is, you have no
> sight, no smell,
> no hearing, no touch and no kinesthesis. All you
> have is a beating
> heart, breathing lungs, and a conscious brain. Now
> HOW would YOU define
> "reality"? Isn't this a reality that is UNIQUE to
> you, and only YOU?
> Conclusion: We each create our own "reality". Our
> individual
> mental, emotional and physical "states" determine
> how we piece together
> and create a "world" that, in return, we "perceive".
> How each of us
> view this life, experience it and live it is,
> essentially, our
> own "creation".
> Perry
> ________________________________
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