Re: [mylifeismine] Re: Which One is a Good/Bad Day?



How little good would have been accomplished if Mandela, Ghandi or Mother Theresa had taken your view - philosophy is grand, but amounts to nothing without SOMEONE putting it into action, to this end I can provide numerous examples of people who have created great change through believing in an ideal, and striving towards it, particularly those who have come from underpriviledged, if not destitute origins - sepcifically because they chose to change the status quo held by the elite.


There are many such examples in history, please check your references, they appear to be somewhat limited.


Don't hold it against others if they choose to believe, or bring their dreams down - for that will certainly NOT help the world or any individuals at all.

'Be the change you wish to see in the world'.

----- Original Message ----
From: Dean Nicholas <>
Sent: Monday, 1 September, 2008 12:41:44 PM
Subject: Re: [mylifeismine] Re: Which One is a Good/Bad Day?

What is happiness or unhappiness. One man's treasure another man's junk. Seriously, cliches are so repetitive and so mundane. I never agree on the individual being in total control of their own reality as you put it. Yes external factors are paramount. We all just servants of the system that we create with cliches and elite philosophy. Being polite doesn't serve philosophy or it's purpose. Socrate was a loved hated person that was called upon when needed by the aristocrates. Philosophy has guidelines now, and question that have no purpose or use in our society. What are we really doing in this group? What would you say to the hundreds of People that have no control of the economy and can't afford to pay for anything? Is this reality bending with the wind, please feel free to disiderater me with that philosophy anytime. It does not serve any purpose. Philosophy was the birth of ideas and synopis of society direction. What is the direction of our society?

----- Original Message ----
From: perry enriquez <perryenriquez@>
To: mylifeismine@ yahoogroups.
Sent: Monday, 1 September, 2008 11:47:27 AM
Subject: Re: [mylifeismine] Re: Which One is a Good/Bad Day?

Well said! If you let no one take away your happiness,
then no one can! The mental/emotional/
physical/spiritual/ moral) "state" that you put
yourself into is really - up to YOU. No use blaming
external factors - although this is NOT the same as
denying their influence - rather it's "riding the
wind" i.e. in a strong wind, bamboo just waves and
bends with it.


--- Sue McEwen <chinkajack@iprimus.> wrote:

> One of the most important things in my life is
> happiness. It can't be
> bought, and no one can't take it away unless I let
> them.
> Sue
> jaws1606 wrote:
> >
> > It is about perspective but this is a good example
> to show that you
> > have to take the good with the bad, and most
> importantly you cannot
> > make assumptions on someones outlook in life just
> becuase of their
> > circumstance..
> >
> > People can make assumptions of the two people
> described, but no-one
> > really knows if they are happy within themselves.
> >
> > People with a healthy outlook would say the second
> person is having a
> > good day cause he is doing what he wants to do, it
> sounds so
> > comfortable to be able to work from home wearing
> your pj's - but you
> > don't know if this is what he really wants to do.
> The assumption is
> > he is working for home and that is great, but it
> may not be for him.
> >
> > On the otherhand people might feel sorry for the
> man with the nice
> > suit as everything seems to be crashing around him
> - but perhaps this
> > doesn't concern him. I would of course be
> concerned in this
> > situation, but my point is that you really never
> know how a person
> > feels about their life.
> >
> > All the money in the world can't prevent someone
> from feeling down,
> > so it is very wrong to assume that money will make
> problems
> > dissappear.
> >
> >

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Re: [mylifeismine] Which One is a Good/Bad Day?

Hi Perry and everyone,


Perhaps it is a 'goobaday' :) Nowadays I look to the lesson each day/experience affords me to grow and learn, therefore it is all good, n'est pas?


Each time we reflect, there is an opportunity for growth, with growth comes wisdom etc etc... so it can be an avalanche of positive opportunity to learn and maximise our lives, or an avalanche of devastation that causes us to fear, hide and withdraw from life.


I choose the former ;)


Cheers all,


----- Original Message ----
From: perry enriquez <>
Sent: Sunday, 31 August, 2008 10:49:48 AM
Subject: [mylifeismine] Which One is a Good/Bad Day?

Hi All,

Sun out, blue sky, birds singing.
A man in his Zegna suit ponders his future as he just
lost his job, his house is being repossessed and his
wife is walking out.

Pouring rain, dark clouds, cold wind.
A man, unshaved, still in pyjamas, with mug of
lukewarm coffee, sits in front of his computer as he
monitors the bonanza in sales pouring in from his eBay

What a great day! What a terrible day!

But which one?


--- Sue McEwen <chinkajack@iprimus.> wrote:

> Hi Perry,
> I know better than to take the 'obvious' as always
> being obvious ;-) .
> So I often ask 'dumb' questions (lol). Although its
> dumber not to ask.
> Recently I've had a few beliefs about my own life
> shaken up.
> My life is definitely becoming more interesting
> (lol).
> The adventure continues... (will send the occassional
> postcard (ROFL))
> Sue
> perry enriquez wrote:
> >
> > Hi Sue,
> >
> > Sounds pretty obvious, doesn't it? Our individual
> beliefs shape our
> > perceived "reality" i.e. Is man inherently "good"
> or "bad"? Whichever
> > you choose will influence your human relations. Is
> wealth "good"
> > or "bad"? Whichever you choose will reflect your
> values. Do you
> > believe in God or not? Whichever you choose will
> affect your
> > philosophy of life. etc. etc. etc.
> >
> > Consequently, if you want to change your
> "reality", then change
> > your "belief".
> >
> > That is the cornerstone of our group "My Life Is
> Mine". We are not
> > passive pawns moved by an invisible hand in this
> chess game called
> > life. Rather, every DECISION we make determines
> what unfolds next. In
> > chess, YOU decide your every move. Whether it is a
> "good" or "bad"
> > move, that is for YOU to determine.
> >
> > Makes life more exciting, doesn't it?
> >
> > Perry
> >
> > --- In mylifeismine@ yahoogroups..
> > <mailto:mylifeismin e%40yahoogroups.>, Sue
> McEwen <chinkajack@ ...>
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > Hi Perry,
> > > Why would you want to convince me of what I
> belive in?
> > > I have no doubt that I believe what I believe,
> because I believe it.
> > > ???
> > > I have no doubt I am unique (lol).
> > > TTFN
> > > Sue
> > >
> > > perry enriquez wrote:
> > > >
> > > > okie dokie let's wrap up this string.
> > > >
> > > > My parting words? Am NOT here to convince you
> of what
> > > > I believe in; Am here to convince you of what
> > > > believe in - because then that will be YOUR
> reality."
> > > >
> > > > Celebrate your uniqueness. In this universe,
> there is
> > > > NO other one like YOU.
> > > >
> > > > Enjoy the journey.
> > > >
> > > > Perry
> > > >
> >

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