Re: Fw: [mylifeismine] Be as Bold as a Lion!

Its the same when leading a horse - look where you want to go, not at the ground, and the horse is more likely to accept you know where you're going and follow you instead of trying to go its own way.
Behave like a leader and you become a leader.

perry enriquez wrote:

frank, you said it so beautifully too: that the bike
will actually go where you put your attention as your
subconcious makes it happen. (otherwise, if one gets
focused on the obstacles i.e. slippery road, tree,
etc. then that's exactly where they'll end up! funny
eh?) enjoy the ride! perry

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Re: Fw: [mylifeismine] Be as Bold as a Lion!

The single most important way to get what you want in life is to DESIRE it and let nothing stop you in your desire for that outcome.
Follow through with positive thought and action.
As Grasshopper was once told (Kung Fu TV series) 'fear will pull you over the edge' (or a cliff for eg).
Keep in mind what you do want, not what you don't, because, as King Monkey once said 'with our thoughts we create the world'.

Frankomelb wrote:

Beautiful!  That was extremely well written.
What we focus on we get more of, plain and simple.
There are plenty of other examples of this - I'll share this one simple example which is about motorcyclists, but applies just as much to driving a car or pretty much anything else for that matter....Motorcyclists are taught when learning to ride to look to where they want the bike to go.   Once upon a time this didn't make much sense to me, but it's true that the bike will actually go where you put your attention as your subconcious makes it happen.    It's gotten me out of a couple of potentially harmful situations..
If you instead concern yourself with the side of the road being slippery or even what's beside it, pretty soon you could be experiencing that.  You would be pumping out a whole lot of emotional energy about that fear.  The whole "watch out for that tree" could suddenly become very real!
Keep posting the great pieces Perry!

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Re: Fw: [mylifeismine] Be as Bold as a Lion!

frank, you said it so beautifully too: that the bike
will actually go where you put your attention as your
subconcious makes it happen. (otherwise, if one gets
focused on the obstacles i.e. slippery road, tree,
etc. then that's exactly where they'll end up! funny
eh?) enjoy the ride! perry

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Fw: [mylifeismine] Be as Bold as a Lion!

Beautiful!  That was extremely well written.
What we focus on we get more of, plain and simple.
There are plenty of other examples of this - I'll share this one simple example which is about motorcyclists, but applies just as much to driving a car or pretty much anything else for that matter....Motorcyclists are taught when learning to ride to look to where they want the bike to go.   Once upon a time this didn't make much sense to me, but it's true that the bike will actually go where you put your attention as your subconcious makes it happen.    It's gotten me out of a couple of potentially harmful situations..
If you instead concern yourself with the side of the road being slippery or even what's beside it, pretty soon you could be experiencing that.  You would be pumping out a whole lot of emotional energy about that fear.  The whole "watch out for that tree" could suddenly become very real!
Keep posting the great pieces Perry!


----- Forwarded Message ----
From: perry enriquez <>
Sent: Wednesday, 23 July, 2008 8:51:03 AM
Subject: [mylifeismine] Be as Bold as a Lion!

Bruce Lee said "consciousness of self is the greatest hindrance
to mankind." He was absolutely right. Self-consciousness is another
word for self-doubt, which is a form of fear. Fear is the greatest
obstacle between you and anything you desire. The way to get rid of
fear, permanently, is to train your mind to give up your emotional
attachment to the outcome.

Have you heard about the guy who has all the hot women BUT acts as if
he couldn't care less? Yet the guy who is desperate couldn't even get
a date! Have you noticed that someone with money tends to make more
money? Yet the guy who's broke tends to constantly be broke and
struggling to get by? They are both fear-based situations. The
desperate guy unknowingly is afraid of not having the money, or the
pretty girl. He is so afraid that he is attracting that which he
fears! And thus the wisdom of Bruce Lee's words "consciousness of
self is the greatest hindrance to mankind." It applies to every area
of life.

Train your mind to let go of your emotional attachment to the
outcome. Be as Bold as a Lion. A Lion isn't afraid of you. He isn't
afraid of losing. He doesn't even think about it. He just attacks,
instinctively. Go for what you want in that way. Kick the ball and
chase it, and stop thinking so much. I'm not saying to be careless
and foolhardy. I'm saying: Develop the Lion's Intuitive Instinct and
replace your self-doubt with it. If you look deep enough, you'll find
self-doubt affecting everything you do. Just like the lion, let there
be NO DOUBT in your mind, cease to over analyze and just "BE". Apply
it once and it will become as natural as breathing.

Think about how that could change your life.

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[mylifeismine] Be as Bold as a Lion!

Bruce Lee said "consciousness of self is the greatest hindrance
to mankind." He was absolutely right. Self-consciousness is another
word for self-doubt, which is a form of fear. Fear is the greatest
obstacle between you and anything you desire. The way to get rid of
fear, permanently, is to train your mind to give up your emotional
attachment to the outcome.

Have you heard about the guy who has all the hot women BUT acts as if
he couldn't care less? Yet the guy who is desperate couldn't even get
a date! Have you noticed that someone with money tends to make more
money? Yet the guy who's broke tends to constantly be broke and
struggling to get by? They are both fear-based situations. The
desperate guy unknowingly is afraid of not having the money, or the
pretty girl. He is so afraid that he is attracting that which he
fears! And thus the wisdom of Bruce Lee's words "consciousness of
self is the greatest hindrance to mankind." It applies to every area
of life.

Train your mind to let go of your emotional attachment to the
outcome. Be as Bold as a Lion. A Lion isn't afraid of you. He isn't
afraid of losing. He doesn't even think about it. He just attacks,
instinctively. Go for what you want in that way. Kick the ball and
chase it, and stop thinking so much. I'm not saying to be careless
and foolhardy. I'm saying: Develop the Lion's Intuitive Instinct and
replace your self-doubt with it. If you look deep enough, you'll find
self-doubt affecting everything you do. Just like the lion, let there
be NO DOUBT in your mind, cease to over analyze and just "BE". Apply
it once and it will become as natural as breathing.

Think about how that could change your life.

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