Re: Fw: Re: [mylifeismine] Re: -> more love

Hi Rose,
For the 12 levels of emotion and emotional blocks it is better to read the book than go by what I have written - there's a LOT more to it. Each block has specific emotions that will release it.
Its not always easy to find what you really want in life, let alone actually get it.
I'm trying to understand a relationship I'm in at the moment. To persevere or say goodbye.
We hold the reins to our lives in our own hands. To create a life that's better than what we have now, we need to move forward. No one direction is better than any other. They are all different.
To remain 'stationary' is to stagnate. Life flows like water.
The past is a memory - its important to avoid repeating mistakes.
The future hasn't happened yet, so its only a dream.
The 'now' is where we create our future. What we do and how we feel 'now' is what's important. This is what determines our future path(s).
That you haven't followed any text through simply reflects what you were ready for, or not.
The only 'right way' is a very personal perspective and different and individual for each of us.
Sometimes we share similar 'ways' but they are all indiviadual and unique.
January 1st 2004 I discovered I'm an Indigo adult. This opened up a whole world of understanding for me on why I'd always felt like an outsider. To be/feel 'different' isn't a bad thing. Its OK. I am myself to the best of my ability. No one can tell me I've got it 'wrong' as its my life and therefore perfect, even when I make mistakes or get things wrong.
I'm the best friend I'll ever have :-) .

Rose Volpe wrote:

I'm getting so many emails of a day I accidently miss some. !!
Hello Sue,
thanks for this info. I have jotted down the levels of emotion and 12 blocks so that they may be tools for me. - And I think I have concluded something having only just used the emotional states/levels now. That's interesting.
That point about focusing on beauty, - I went through a stage where I'd think of flowers to raise my spirits/vibration. Thank you for this reminder, and the balance in brain chemistry could certainly do with some attention.
I'm quite a meditative person and I don't read a lot about anything. John Gray sounds to be very practical/useful though - he could get a "look in" by me at some stage.
At various times I've been on the lookout for books that are practical like that - help you get back on track-i.e How to Get What You Want and Want What You Have. And/or Life Coach type literature that helps one to get back on track sometimes through getting definition/direction in your life through a specific line of questioning. - Helping to reinforce, reconnect and or realign with passion and purpose. Never really went the whole hog i.e followed any text through. That's not to say that there isn't any movement towards a more passionate existance, in fact it's been a little better lately though I do wonder if I could have more sooner? Like can I be more proactive?etc.
Good night,
Many thanks,

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