Re: [mylifeismine] hi warren

Hi Matt
 Dont know what to say: nobody likes to sound inadequate and patronising. Your struggles are impressive - should help a lot of people to put things in perspective. I pray for you.
 Warren, who are you and what do you want form this group? Your mails are so vague. could your be more clear?

--- On Fri, 2/1/09, matthew naughton <> wrote:
From: matthew naughton <>
Subject: Re: [mylifeismine] hi warren
Date: Friday, 2 January, 2009, 3:10 AM

for a start could you spell what with an h in it please
i don't do that
second i have just lost my job of six years two days before christmas and am now looking at living on the street.
that i will not do so the optons would be..?
that is just the start, i have been in and out of depression all my life atleast since i was eight.
this is the commencement of yet another rollercoaster ride that will just destroy everything around me.
i don't know how to stop it any more as i wont take pills and i am on my own i have no way of telling how bad i am until i want to die, the obvious conclusion in these matters.
i am not sure i can always avoid this as i had made a good life and it was a struggle to get where i was.
from homeless bum to the engineering dept of a major manufacturer.
they had a counciler who got to know me well and knew my life story and he would say that he was amazed that iwas still standing on this earth.
so it has not been pleasant and i do not think i have any more capacity to absorb more trouble and pain and struggle.
?  matt

--- On Thu, 1/1/09, Warren T Feeney <waz0feen@yahoo.> wrote:
From: Warren T Feeney <waz0feen@yahoo.>
Subject: Re: [mylifeismine] hi pal
To: mylifeismine@ yahoogroups.
Date: Thursday, January 1, 2009, 6:36 AM

dunno wat the go?

--- On Thu, 1/1/09, matthew naughton <mattynaught01@> wrote:

From: matthew naughton <mattynaught01@>
Subject: Re: [mylifeismine] hi pal
To: mylifeismine@ yahoogroups.
Received: Thursday, 1 January, 2009, 5:04 PM

where should i start?

--- On Tue, 12/30/08, Warren T Feeney <waz0feen@yahoo.> wrote:
From: Warren T Feeney <waz0feen@yahoo.>
Subject: [mylifeismine] hi pal
To: mylifeismine@ yahoogroups.
Date: Tuesday, December 30, 2008, 9:54 AM

hi pals tell me wat the go is ?

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