[mylifeismine] Re: Which One is a Good/Bad Day?

That's a beautiful comment Sangita! It's nice elaboration of the
difference one can make that Sue spoke of, with both reaching for
one's personal best, and as part of that, reaching out to others.
(Indirectly, this may also hopefully encourage others to seek their best.)

Thanks indeed to all the provocateurs (not including spammers of
course!) and founts of collected learning & wisdom for contributing
the questions and comments that've made the interesting conversation
of this group.

While I'm not skilled enough to be anywhere near as prodigious, I
can reciprocate with some embellishments to the tapestry here:

--- In mylifeismine@yahoogroups.com.au, sangita borgave
<sangita142002@...> wrote:
> Each person being in positive control of his or her own life is
going to reflect upon and improve society as a whole. So we are doing
something for society ultimately. In your own small way if you can
help a few people around you, the ones you come in contact with in
your daily lives you are already doing a great deal. Sometimes it
takes very little to put a smile on someones face. I've seen it; I
have worked with a lot of poor patients. The smile, that look, not
necessarily of gratitude but of hope is one of the best gifts you can
receive. Each life is precious, making a differance to one life is all
that is required.
> --- On Mon, 1/9/08, Sue McEwen <chinkajack@...> wrote:
> What we are really doing in this group is having a conversation :-)
. Its not meant to be lifechanging or world changing, but that doesn't
mean it can't be.

I'd suspect it is meant to be lifechanging (without being 'heavy'
reading) - though of course it's whatever we each make of our
reflections and shared knowledge, in that it's for each of us to
choose our beliefs.

> What I would say to the 100's of people...? Nothing. Who am I to
tell them anything? Their lives are not mine to live, nor for me to
> What is the direction of our society? What concerns me is the
direction of my life within this society. I can't do anything about
the wider/greater society, but I can decide how to live my life.
That's all I have any control over - me :-) .

A truly vital point, esp. to stop oneself feeling disempowered.
Also a crucial aspect of dealing with external pressure: The defensive
(angry) energy when _'we' feel_ under attack has a common trap.. Its
them-or-us 1st-order thinking focuses on opposing (i.e. attempting to
control or deny) the change/threat in the environment. Often this is
futile habit, because it's beyond our immediate control.

Either way, if that element is human, the consequences of our
aggression may be a lot worse long-term.
Through respectful words & actions of course, we do have the potential
to influence others, to work on relationships and in organisations,
and so have a wider synergistic impact. So I definitely reckon Sue's
underrating her obvious capabilities :) and do hope we all amend any
self-limiting "I can't" beliefs to become "I haven't yet ...".

It's still a matter of managing our priorities appropriately of course..
On which note, my best wishes till next time! Chris

> Every person can make a difference. Every person does make a
difference, but they don't think they do. Therein lies the difference.
> Sue

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[mylifeismine] ON HELPING OTHERS

hi sangita,

thank you for touching on helping other people. from discovering
one's self to going BEYOND one's self i.e. sharing and helping
others. in maslow's hierarchy of needs, that is the foundation
of "self-actualisation". that is why it is so important to know
exactly what you believe in, what you stand for, and where you're
going. from there you'll serve as a guide to those who need your
guidance. the act of "giving" in itself is a very liberating
experience (from the clutches of materialism and consumerism) and
also serves as a self-perpetuating activity that ultimately will
leave your mark on society.


--- In mylifeismine@yahoogroups.com.au, sangita borgave
<sangita142002@...> wrote:
> Each person being in positive control of his or her own life is
going to reflect upon and improve society as a whole. So we are doing
something for society ultimately. In your own small way if you can
help a few people around you, the ones you come in contact with in
your daily lives you are already doing a great deal. Sometimes it
takes very little to put a smile on someones face. I've seen it; I
have worked with a lot of poor patients. The smile, that look, not
necessarily of gratitude but of hope is one of the best gifts you can
receive. Each life is precious, making a differance to one life is
all that is required.
> --- On Mon, 1/9/08, Sue McEwen <chinkajack@...> wrote:
> From: Sue McEwen <chinkajack@...>
> Subject: Re: [mylifeismine] Re: Which One is a Good/Bad Day?
> To: mylifeismine@yahoogroups.com.au
> Date: Monday, 1 September, 2008, 6:57 PM
> Hi Dean,
> What we are really doing in this group is having a conversation :-
) . Its not meant to be lifechanging or world changing, but that
doesn't mean it can't be.
> What I would say to the 100's of people...? Nothing. Who am I to
tell them anything? Their lives are not mine to live, nor for me to
> What is the direction of our society? What concerns me is the
direction of my life within this society. I can't do anything about
the wider/greater society, but I can decide how to live my life.
That's all I have any control over - me :-) . Every person can make a
difference. Every person does make a difference, but they don't think
they do. Therein lies the difference.
> Sue
> Dean Nicholas wrote:
> What is happiness or unhappin ess. One man's treasure another
man's junk. Seriously, cliches are so repetitive and so mundane. I
never agree on the individual being in total control of their own
reality as you put it. Yes external factors are paramount. We all
just servants of the system that we create with cliches and elite
philosophy. Being polite doesn't serve philosophy or it's purpose.
Socrate was a loved hated person that was called upon when needed by
the aristocrates. Philosophy has guidelines now, and question that
have no purpose or use in our society. What are we really doing in
this group? What would you say to the hundreds of People that have no
control of the economy and can't afford to pay for anything? Is this
reality bending with the wind, please feel free to disiderater me
with that philosophy anytime. It does not serve any purpose.
Philosophy was the birth of ideas and synopis of society direction.
What is the direction of our
> society?
> Add more friends to your messenger and enjoy! Go to

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Re: [mylifeismine] Relationship Delusions


interesting you saying that about cds, they are very helpfull indeed.

Lately am reading a novel from "Paulo Coelho" call " Zahir". and talks about "love".

He was married and his wife left him to somewhere unknown, and he spends the next 2 yars looking for her or his old love. The problem is he is mixing up love with obessesion and not sure what is anymore... he needs to find himself first b4 find his wife. Very interesting point. Maybe all of us need to find ourselves first b4 finding new love... cheers



----- Original Message ----
From: Guy DeByl <guy.debyl@gmail.com>
To: mylifeismine@yahoogroups.com.au
Sent: Tuesday, 2 September, 2008 1:58:33 PM
Subject: Re: [mylifeismine] Relationship Delusions

what you say is pretty interesting. . and yes.. i'm interested in reading more about what you are learning from the cds.

On 9/1/08, Lisa Dean <songsfromthebody@ yahoo.com> wrote:

Dear i fuc and others from the "My Life is Mine" group
I am currently listening to cds about relationships by Marianne
Williamson.  She also wrote the book "A Return to Love" and
this is a discussion about the book "A Course in Miracles"
and I don't know who wrote this. 
Anyway, the cds (four) are a series of public lectures, that she
has made around the world.  She talks about the "relationship
delusions" that we have.
And one of them is that someone else can make us happy.
She says that while we believe that another person, the "perfect"
person can be our saviour we will never be happy.  There is no
perfect person, we all need to learn to love everyone the same. 
Relationships work better when they are approached as a result
of desire, and not need. 
I'm still listening, and learning and trying to understand it. 
One of the things she says we do, is to create a picture in our
minds of what the relationship can be like.  Generally, this picture
is blown to pieces pretty quickly, because the two people have
two different pictures of how they want it to be. 
I will be glad to share this more, as I listen more to the cds. 
Let me know what you think. 

"The misfortunes of childhood affect the whole of one's life and leave an inconsolable well of sadness in the heart of man" P Bridas

--- On Wed, 3/14/07, i_fuc <i_fuc@yahoo. com> wrote:
From: i_fuc <i_fuc@yahoo. com>
Subject: [mylifeismine] understand you perfectly,
To: mylifeismine@ yahoogroups. com.au
Date: Wednesday, March 14, 2007, 10:36 AM

Hi mate,
To be honest don't know how to help you now. wish could have a
couple of coffee and a good healthy chat to get the things out of
the heart.(both, mine and yours)
I feel the same, trying to find someone to talk to. Someone who
could listen understand and give some good advices.
Yet, don't have anyone. Am single, 46 and wish i could have a family
like yours. I feel that the time is going buy and i will be alone.
In the other hand you have your family and seems that you are alone
too. Life is funny heh!
Well, i am trying to read a lot, but also have to go to work and
when i get home after 8pm, i can read only a page and fall asleep.

Just before your message i sugested to a girl to read the book "the
secrets" by Rhonda Byrne. Please, read it, it is inspiring and
teachs you how to change your negative thoughts to posite ones.

Hope you have a nice reading and things starts changing for better
to you.
with lots of kindness, me

--- In mylifeismine@ yahoogroups. com.au, "j32217" <j32217@...> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I just joined the group today and hopefully will get to know" the
> like-minded people through the group eventually.
> The reason for me to join the group is I want to see how others
> are in the similar situation as mine cope with their lives. I am
> and married and have one daughter starting year 7 this year. Life
> OK but rather bland in many ways. Weekdays there a lot of routine,
> work, home, work, home. Weeekends are basically filled with
> shopping, home cleaning, kind of thing. Our marriage is again OK
> somewhat boring, I probably don*t have that much to talk to my
> other than ※how*s your day§ kind of stuff, nor does she to me.
> Getting into teenager, my daughter starts to have more debates
> us. I have read books about relationships with young adolescent
> but in reality it*s not that easy.
> So I really feel that life has lost its sparkle now. I am only 42
> I don*t want to be like that. I want to have a change. I am
> myself to think positively but it doesn*t seem to be working that
> well. I tried to pick up new hobbies such as carpentry. I also try
> play more tennis. But I feel I want to make new friends, really
> friends with whom I can talk my heart out, and share our ups and
> downs.


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