Re: [mylifeismine] For Kanga4282

it is with great sadness that i leafed through the newspaper today, and saw some familiar faces in there.
people who i know that must have died a most agonising way.
and most probably by the hand of some misguided insanely stupid individual.
i still wait with fires near my doorstep and today i hear talk of someone only one street away ( 1 kilometre) lighting a fire on purpose.
it was put out in time but he already knew the toll that we have counted is enormous.
it brings a new perspective to me, i am no stranger to loss or dark contemplations, but i think i will be exploring this with the group some more in time to come, as it finnally reaches into me.
there will be an abyss, unfillable and wanting answers that are intangible, slippery at best.
i am sure as with many others that it will be impossible ti endure the coming months alone and unguided
 can we all hope for better things, i have trouble right now, i am alone in a devastated place
i can hear some loud music as people are trying to go on
wanting it all to be over, but still we wait not knowing what will happen next, there is still smoke and fire all about us
i will explore this further when the smoke has cleared and the fire is doused with rain and sweat
keep well all

--- On Thu, 2/12/09, Gail <> wrote:

From: Gail <>
Subject: [mylifeismine] For Kanga4282
Date: Thursday, February 12, 2009, 11:05 PM

Welcome Kanga, and the most important thing I can say in opening a reply is good on you for opening up - it is a great act of courage to be able to recognise your situation and reach for help - in seeking wisdom we take the first step towards balance. You may have slipped off the tightrope, but you have been able to grasp hold of it before you fell to the ground. You are already on your way, that alone is worthy of the first celebration in what is potentially a long string of celebrations on your way back to solid ground.
I am a single mother with 2 children, and no family here for support. I have encountered a lot of what you might be experiencing, the most recent was the end of 2008, when I hit a wall in trying to balance work, study, parenting and all the other 'expectations' I was imposing on myself, and have done for all of my life.
Stragely enough, these situations present us with a wonderful opportunity to take a step back, because the shock from our emotions causes us to withdraw. In this space, in our retreat into our cave, we have the opportunity to reflect, real, deep and meaningful, LIFE CHANGING reflections of who we are, what we want, and WHAT NO LONGER SERVES US.
Use this tme as a positive, as a wake up call, do some heart felt soul-searching. You can find a miracle waiting for you, but seeking help from a professional for guidence and assistance is always recomended if you truly feel lost in the black mire of deep depression.
Please feel free to email me at any time: positive_eq@ au and share whatever it is you wish, or just ask for me to write you if you still feel too vulnerable to share. I am a teacher and studying another degree in Adult Education, using transformational techiniques to assist people to overcome fear and boundries and manifest their abilities - I have lots of inspirational readng material to assist you, and am happy to explain it in personal terms, what it means to me and how I have been able to apply it if that can help you.
You have strength beyond your wildest dreams, it is there...believe it..
Much love, Gail

From: kanga4282 <kanga4282@yahoo.>
To: mylifeismine@ yahoogroups.
Sent: Wednesday, 11 February, 2009 8:54:18 PM
Subject: [mylifeismine] mylifeismine

i slipped off the tightrope i was walking on last week and tried to
take my life. so i could stop the thoughts going on in my head. yes i
regret what i did but whats happened cant be undone. all i can do know
is try hard to get my life back on track. some words of wisdom would be
great at the moment. please help

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