Re: [mylifeismine] Focus on Others to Feel Better Yourself - 5 Kindness Motivation Tips

thanks i enjoyed this post. Ingrid ;-)

--- On Sun, 13/7/08, John Tralala <> wrote:

From: John Tralala <>
Subject: [mylifeismine] Focus on Others to Feel Better Yourself - 5 Kindness Motivation Tips
To: "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>
Received: Sunday, 13 July, 2008, 12:23 AM

Many times we can be guilty of focusing mostly on our troubles and worries. It can become an effort to do the everyday things like washing dishes, mowing the lawn, feeding the kids a decent meal. Is there a way to overcome these feelings that keep us down and unwilling to do the things we need to do? Is there a way to get back on track emotionally and make a difference at the same time?
For excellent resources please visit Kindness Motivation Tips

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