[mylifeismine] Lets share


Hello all
A lot of members have been joining this group. They post their reasons for joining in short and everyone has issues that sometimes seem so frustrating. Like there is no end in sight!
Life is such that we don't have control over so many things. It seems like a helpless situation at times.
But its not really. I think the key to being happy is realising that we must be strong enought to ignore all the negative things that we don't have control over. Negative people who want to pull us down and act so horrible sometimes that you wonder why people do this to you.
It would be nice if people started opening up and sharing their thoughts, their anxieties, their fears.
There are many members in theis group who are able to really guide wisely and offer comfort.
For e.g. I may have problems of my own but I may be able to offer some thoughts on your problems. Maybe I can see something that you may have missed. We must try and find solutions.
We need to really start sharing if we want to live up to the name of the group!
Whew! Long post.
Lots of warm regards

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