Hi! You certainly have survived a lot have'nt you? Reading through your mail made me feel like right now you were on some kind of thresh-hold of life. That's how your mail sounds. How long ago did your mother die if you don't mind me asking? The death of a parent is anyway so stressful but to lose him or her to disease must be worse. Have you worked on your feelings about your husband? Like I said we are not professional counsellors or anything but we can only offer empathy and support. I only ask because you are still with him. Can't you get in touch with at least a few of your friends. It sometimes seems like there's no point of too much effort to stay in touch with friends. But honestly friends give some normalcy to life. Your son should also see you bond with other men and women: these things are really important to a child. The "acting confident thing" really gets my vote! I wish more people would realise this! It really does lessen your problems. A good attitude helps. And for you its even more important - I mean your son is watching you all the time! The age old remedy (well not cure but big help) for depression still is a good hard friggin' workout. Seriously! That will never go out of fashion, cliched as it must sound. No gym required if you can't afford one, just run, walk jog anything till you feel as if you are going to pass out. (All medical conditions considered). And then live the rest of the day in a haze of peace. Seriously find time to do this. Your life is yours really. Cheers! --- On Tue, 3/11/09, n_reed1981 <n_reed1981@yahoo.
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