[mylifeismine] Re: New to site

--- In mylifeismine@yahoogroups.com.au, "mahonpg" <mahonpg@...> wrote:
> Hi all,
> My name is Phil I am 52y.o. Just joined, thought it might be usefull to be part of this site. Like some others I am recovering from a broken marriage and trying to rebuild, but finding it difficult. The loneliness is the worst and trying to get out is really quite daunting.
> I have two sons, 28yo and 17yo miss both very much. I work in education and love it but feel overwhelmed by everything.
> Anyway better not bore everyone first up.
> Phil

My names Pete, havent ben on this site for a while and logged in to clear the mailbox.
Saw your message, hang in there it's tough I know.
I'm 53 and 4 kids all pretty much under control but they live with their mum.
Don't be daunted get the hell out of the house, and go to lots of places not just one or two.

Good luck

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