Re: [mylifeismine] New member

Dear all,
Please find my first creative writing song for our pleasant cohesiveness on National level:
Think, think together!
Think, think together how to get a real success forever!
Walk, walk together, play play together, dance dance together in our unique multicultural society to express our love and harmony together.
Act, act together to explore our great vision to lead the world in scientific and spiritual Art technology together!
Please express best behavior, supportive and creative workplace spirit together!
We should maintain our safe and trusting workplace together so can develop our cooperative team environment to care and nourish our community!
By this way we'll prove ourselves a best nation of the world living together!
Moreover, by this way we'll be enabled to deliver our best possible approach to establish a unique Australian community of the world living together via socio-biochemical and harmonical reactions together.

 Regards with full light and sincerity,






--- On Tue, 2/12/08, jen2blu4u <> wrote:
From: jen2blu4u <>
Subject: [mylifeismine] New member
Received: Tuesday, 2 December, 2008, 12:16 AM

Hello out there, life really sucks right now. Can't stand how some
people try to "fix" you, when they havent got a clue. They just tell me
what to do & make me feel bad, & make my worries sound unimportant.
Sometimes u just want someone to listen to you,- not to tell you how
pathetic you are. Friends & relos r supposed to b supportive, not
condesending & patronising. These people plunge me deeper into

To everyone out there who r finding life tuff, hang in there.

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Re: [mylifeismine] Re: New Member

Hi Amy
 Support is what we're here for. Your life must be totally busy!! Two kids and three jobs must be insanely hectic.
 Are you taking anything for depression? Seeing a doctor? I mean do you have clinical depession?
 I know with that insane schedule you probably feel you are living for everyone else, but to tell you the truth your life Is your's though you may not feel like it just now. If you are managing two kids and three jobs with your depression/anxiety then you're a hero! I 've seen way to often in life that people just dont give themself enough credit. They think they are not doing enough and often feel dissatisfied with themselves. Well girl dont let anyone pull you down. You do what you can in 24 hours and honestly screw the rest! (Pardon my french!).
 Do you give yourself any me time? I have enough friends who are young mothers and the kids are so demanding that slowly its easy to lose track of yourself! That's one of the saddest things. Many of them feel any time not spent on the kids/job/husband is time wasted. Its really sad. Do something for yourself (I find the best thing to pull me out of the blues is a good hard walk or swim). How are you gonna fit that into your routine? You're the best judge.
 YOU are important. You are more important than your kids. They are born with their own destinies and will move on in life. Dont sacrifice everything for them. At the same time enjoy them, they're at that adorable age! These days will not come again. Thank god every day for your kids. (Believe me I know what I'm talking about: I've worked with enough infertile couples).
 Life is tough. But you are already doing a great job!

--- On Tue, 2/12/08, jendpbluc <> wrote:
From: jendpbluc <>
Subject: [mylifeismine] Re: New Member
Date: Tuesday, 2 December, 2008, 3:34 PM

--- In mylifeismine@ yahoogroups., "agrantham81" <amgrantham@ ...>
> Hi,
> I am 26 and have depression/occasion al anxiety.
> I am married. I have 2 kids - 2.5 and 14months.
> I work 3 jobs. 2 from home and one PPT in a Nursing home.
> I feel like I am living for everyone else ad not me.
> Would really like to be able to say and mean My Life is Mine.
> Hope to get and give some support.
> Amy

Hi Agrantham81,

sorry to hear that ur life is so comlpicated. Life is difficult alot of
the time.

It so hard to have time for urself these work work, house
work, kids & hubby....& then annoying problems from family too....sounds
like u have no time to even scatch urself.

hopefully things will get better for u soon.

sometimes i ask myself, why ami here? what is my purpose in life?
sometimes i get so sad i just want to give up.

ur a very hardworking strong person, keep soldiering on, in time u'll
find time to find urself ,

dont forget to find pleasure in the little things in life, like ur
kids...& the funny things they say & makes it all worth it.

hang in there, your time will come when u will blossom

take care

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[mylifeismine] Re: New member

forgot to mention, have changed my profile from
jendbluc.....I'm new to all this...bear with with me..

--- In, sangita borgave
<sangita142002@...> wrote:
> We hear you! Could'nt have put it better myself. Yes its great to have
people who will just listen to you, empathise, support and just make you
feel good about yourself. Not make you feel pathetic and like a loser
because you are having a tough time. Sometimes all it takes is listening
with the right expression. Even that helps so much.
> Â But kudos to you for accepting the fact that life is tough and
sucks. I was reminded of a sister who is really going through a bad time
but does'nt want to accept how messed up her life is. On top of that is
burningly envious of me and my supposed good fortune! She does'nt seem
to realise that because I dont have the same problems as her does'nt
mean i dont have other issues in my life. She always chatters away as if
nothing is wrong or then retreats in silence.
> Â I wish that instead of all these pretenses she would just
honestly talk. We are family and not that far from each other in age so
I could help, even if just as a sounding board. I've known her all her
life. She wants my company but her ego prevents her from opening up.
She's had a tough life, but frankly guys her attitude stinks so much
that its difficult to tolerate it. Does that sound very horrible of me?
> Â Anyway sometimes life totally sucks: all you can do is hang in
> --- On Mon, 1/12/08, jen2blu4u jennychiu100@... wrote:
> From: jen2blu4u jennychiu100@...
> Subject: [mylifeismine] New member
> To:
> Date: Monday, 1 December, 2008, 6:46 PM
> Hello out there, life really sucks right now. Can't stand how some
> people try to "fix" you, when they havent got a clue. They just tell
> what to do & make me feel bad, & make my worries sound unimportant.
> Sometimes u just want someone to listen to you,- not to tell you how
> pathetic you are. Friends & relos r supposed to b supportive, not
> condesending & patronising. These people plunge me deeper into
> depression.
> To everyone out there who r finding life tuff, hang in there.
> Add more friends to your messenger and enjoy! Go to

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[mylifeismine] Re: New member

--- In, sangita borgave
<sangita142002@...> wrote:
> We hear you! Could'nt have put it better myself. Yes its great to have
people who will just listen to you, empathise, support and just make you
feel good about yourself. Not make you feel pathetic and like a loser
because you are having a tough time. Sometimes all it takes is listening
with the right expression. Even that helps so much.
> Â But kudos to you for accepting the fact that life is tough and
sucks. I was reminded of a sister who is really going through a bad time
but does'nt want to accept how messed up her life is. On top of that is
burningly envious of me and my supposed good fortune! She does'nt seem
to realise that because I dont have the same problems as her does'nt
mean i dont have other issues in my life. She always chatters away as if
nothing is wrong or then retreats in silence.
> Â I wish that instead of all these pretenses she would just
honestly talk. We are family and not that far from each other in age so
I could help, even if just as a sounding board. I've known her all her
life. She wants my company but her ego prevents her from opening up.
She's had a tough life, but frankly guys her attitude stinks so much
that its difficult to tolerate it. Does that sound very horrible of me?
> Â Anyway sometimes life totally sucks: all you can do is hang in
> --- On Mon, 1/12/08, jen2blu4u jennychiu100@... wrote:
> From: jen2blu4u jennychiu100@...
> Subject: [mylifeismine] New member
> To:
> Date: Monday, 1 December, 2008, 6:46 PM
> Hi Sangita, thanks for the support! u certainly have ur head screwed
on straight! I wish mine was. thanks for sharing ur story too. It helps
to know theres people out there who understand where ur coming from. ur
comments made me feel better! thanks so much, it was enough to get me
out of this slump im in.

i hope ur sister sees the light ur holding up for her, shes really
blessed to hav someone like u to b there for her. sounds like shes
afraid of something & she cant open up to u. she sounds very fragile
too. I'm with u, the sooner u can accept it, the better. I think...just
have ur winge(complain), then just get on with it. U need time to work
thru it. & dont expect too much too soon. its better resolve it as soon
as u can, & not harp on it......i find this just drags it on
unecisarily, & keeps u in the pain & darkness for longer.

I really like the serenity prayer, - God grant me the serenity to accept
the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can & the
wisdom to know the difference.(......who ever ur God may b.)

Leave tomorows worries for tomorow i say.

thanks again Sangita,

> Hello out there, life really sucks right now. Can't stand how some
> people try to "fix" you, when they havent got a clue. They just tell
> what to do & make me feel bad, & make my worries sound unimportant.
> Sometimes u just want someone to listen to you,- not to tell you how
> pathetic you are. Friends & relos r supposed to b supportive, not
> condesending & patronising. These people plunge me deeper into
> depression.
> To everyone out there who r finding life tuff, hang in there.
> Add more friends to your messenger and enjoy! Go to

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[mylifeismine] Re: New Member

--- In, "agrantham81" <amgrantham@...>
> Hi,
> I am 26 and have depression/occasional anxiety.
> I am married. I have 2 kids - 2.5 and 14months.
> I work 3 jobs. 2 from home and one PPT in a Nursing home.
> I feel like I am living for everyone else ad not me.
> Would really like to be able to say and mean My Life is Mine.
> Hope to get and give some support.
> Amy

Hi Agrantham81,

sorry to hear that ur life is so comlpicated. Life is difficult alot of
the time.

It so hard to have time for urself these work work, house
work, kids & hubby....& then annoying problems from family too....sounds
like u have no time to even scatch urself.

hopefully things will get better for u soon.

sometimes i ask myself, why ami here? what is my purpose in life?
sometimes i get so sad i just want to give up.

ur a very hardworking strong person, keep soldiering on, in time u'll
find time to find urself ,

dont forget to find pleasure in the little things in life, like ur
kids...& the funny things they say & makes it all worth it.

hang in there, your time will come when u will blossom

take care

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[mylifeismine] hi

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