[mylifeismine] Re: New Member

Hi All!!

Its great to be onboard. I havnt joined a discussion group around
lifes challenges before so im really looking forward to hearing from
everyone. Well my name is Jem (f), im 21 years young and in my final
stages of uni. Ive dealt with depression for some time now and
looking back through my high school years it was definately
something that affected me pretty heavily, although because of
the 'shame factor' i didnt talk about it, i didnt do anything about
it and i definately didnt ask for help. Which is why this group i
feel is soooo important for people who are struggling silently. At
the moment i feel as though my life has stagnated a bit....my dreams
and ambitions have taken a back seat and i really feel as though im
just living and am not ALIVE! Im thinking about moving
cities.....but then those deeply imbedded feelings that i have are
just going to follow me. I feel fortunate though that i am
experiencing this at quite a young age....its all life experience at
the end of the day huh? Anyways im looking forward to talking to
people about how they manage with feelings of depression and as
though your life is stagnating through positive steps. Thanks for
welcoming me!

Stay Strong


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