Re: [mylifeismine] Re: Which One is a Good/Bad Day?

Anticipation is fun but can't take the place of actually 'getting there'. Not in my life :-) . Otherwise what's the point of anticipation?!
We live according to how we feel. When we can rise above the feeling we gain perspective on it (Bill Harris), but not while we are in the middle of experiencing it.
Life is to be lived, and one with passion isn't a bad thing, its simply more 'active' than one that's not passionately lived.
The Seven Deadly Sins are called so because they block energy, which in turn can be lethal. To learn to let go doesn't mean to not participate, it (can) means to enjoy life as it changes. Change is forever. When things stop, they cease.
Pride isn't negative until it becomes excessive. Envy isn't really a problem unless it becomes jealousy.
Everyone at some stage gets annoyed but rage is a whole other 'creature'.
Its OK to feel good about where you manage to get to in life, your accomplishments. Its only a problem if that's where you stop in life, remembering the past, instead of living now, and anticipating the future There's always something new to learn.
(this is just my perspective)
Sue. wrote:

Hi all! First time poster here.

Studies says that visualization/anticipation are more gratifying than attainment. Striving actively toward that which can conceivably be achieved, making 'progress' and being engaged in something 'meaningful' are also key. And gaining some kind of social cache - people to acknowledge that we have indeed slayed dragons - cause pleasure.

My buddha side that knows these factors to be 'illusion' isn't interested in such games. My biology/evolution says that I ignore the world of form at my own peril.

No surprise I am being forced to sell my half-mill condo in the heart of California paradise 'cause I wouldn't fight to keep it.

It's part of the world and I have (nearly) allowed myself to enjoy pride of ownership, nor to try to borrow 'esteem' by associating myself with what I owned/where I lived.

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