[mylifeismine] Re: What to do?? Friend's hubby is a cheater.....

I think you all have made excellent points and I appreciate them;
As it has gone now - I am being a good friend to her but would I like
to give HIM something to think about!!
She is going to stick it out, but from the info that spewed in after
the initial woman stepping up and complaining..... he has been doing
it for years and years.....
What a low life....
Sorry I am pretty much shocked by this now.

--- In mylifeismine@yahoogroups.com.au, Gail <positiveeq@...> wrote:
> Hi Lana,
> Having recently expreienced a very similar scenario, I am able to
share that in such an instance it was important for me to follow my
conscience. I carefully thought about what I would like a friend to
do if she knew some information about my partner - I know that I
would like my friend to tell me what they know, and allow me to make
an informed decision for myself.
> I felt that if I kept this information from the person in question
I would not be operating from a place of honesty, and therefore
deceiving both my friend and myself. I knew I ran the risk of
incurring her anger should she misinterpret my actions and words, but
I also knew that a healthy friendship would allow me to understand
her hurt if she chose to direct it toward me in her need to release
her feelings, and that I would always be there for her regardless.
> What has followed is that she appreciated my honesty, and later
found out that there are others who have known the same information
but chose not to tell her for fear of her reaction. She has been more
upset to find out that people did not honor her right to know the
truth than she was in finding out her partner was with someone else.
I guess she had her own suspicions anyway.
> Perhaps this might guide you, I think we should honor our friends
right to know the truth, and always be truthful in our friendship
with them.
> All the best, Gail
> ________________________________
> From: lana.ingham <lana.ingham@...>
> To: mylifeismine@yahoogroups.com.au
> Sent: Monday, 16 February, 2009 9:39:25 PM
> Subject: [mylifeismine] What to do?? Friend's hubby is a
> I hope that I can get some ideas off some of you here....
> One of my best friend's husbands is a cheater - and she has no
> I know this is a fact - he has hit on me and also a few other
> friends. At first I thought he was just joking but one of my
> has found his profile in a singles site and he is definately trying
> get the women. He is succeeding too if one can believe what he has
> told her in there (he has no idea who he is sending messages to
> her; as she has not let on who she really is to him. Just seeing
> he says to her.)
> I don't know if I agree with that part. But the part I know I
> don't agree with is the fact that he is DOING this and his wife has
> idea and it would devastate her if she knew.
> Apparantely he has done this for years, he isn't a youngen by any
> means - he is pushing 64-65 years old. I just don't know what to do
> whether to do anything about it anyway.
> But then I talk to his wife, my best friend and I feel so sad about
> all.
> What does a person do in this situation???
> Any ideas will be very appreciated.
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