[mylifeismine] Re: Hi ,

-Hi Sue,
Lynda here , sorry to take so long to reply , i'm an older mom and my son is my only child he is 11, i'am soon to be 52, as for how i cope with rasing my son by myself , i work full time out side of my home and i get food stamps which helps with the cost of food ,and i have medicaid for my son because he has no insurance my job only insure's the employee and his Dad got himself fired from his job so he's not coverded from him ither but that's o.k. thanks to medicaid we are fine we cant be on it for ever tho' and we get no child suport but i take care of my sons needs on my own , child suport will come when his Dad gets a another job again at least your lucky yours are grown even tho' sometimes i wish my son were grown i dont really look forward to an emty nest , life is hard but i grow stronger with time , i hope life is going good for you ! Lynda

-- In mylifeismine@yahoogroups.com.au, suzanne jackson <sue_jackson.nurse@...> wrote:
> hi Lynda -welcome.My name is Sue i am in the process of becoming single(sounds strange doesnt it)I work part-time as a Reg Nurse and have 3 grown children ages range from 27-34yrs.I am 52yrs old myself.I got onto this web site to try and help myself a bit to come to terms with a marriage that is dead and wanted to become stronger by seeing other peoples lifes and how they cope.I llive in Sydney
> ________________________________
> From: lyndaanddylan <lyndaanddylan@...>
> To: mylifeismine@yahoogroups.com.au
> Sent: Tuesday, 7 April, 2009 8:20:35 AM
> Subject: [mylifeismine] Hi ,
> Hi, My name is Lynda and i wanted to introduce myself i'am 51, and a single working Mom of one child who is 11, and we live in Utah .
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