[mylifeismine] Big picture & current discussions

To open, as a reminder, here is the description of this group:

Clear the blocks holding you back - no more worry, anxiety, stress or depression. Get back in control!

Recent discussions have centered on how much suffering and hardship individual members are experiencing. As Perry has demostrated, we ALL have experienced periods of challenge, and situations that have taken us to the brink of asking: Is life worth living? This is not a competition to justify who's experience is the worst, because all that is doing is trying to justify a negative approach to life. If a persons purpose is to justify how difficult life is, and how hard we have to struggle, the answer will be a resonding negative, & will result in depression and possible suicide, or similar.

Many of us have been there, probably the majority of the planets' population have experienced this.

By stepping back & looking at the big picture, not dwelling in our own individual suffering, we might achieve hope. Perry has provided many quotes to this end, and that is the purpose of us joining together here. This is a 'self-help' group, we join to share positive with each other, to find a new perspective to help us progress, to find a glimmer in the darkness, and a way to nurture that glimmer to the flame of positive conviction.

Like Perry, I prefer not to indulge the many negatives that have brought me to tis point in my life: I believe the point is to celebrate the strengths that brought me through those times and situations.

If you do choose to dwell in negative, please do not berate or belittle others who choose to live with hope. Each of us has choice, an initial choice is on this forum is to celebrate what opportunities we have, which have manifested through the hard times we have experienced. Life is about lessons, Welcome to Earth School. Open your mind to the lessons which present, and then apply what you have learnt.

There are many positive, giving people on this forum, who have provided much insight and strength to myself and others (Perry, Sangita, and others come to mind). I truly hope that we are able to maintain this attitude for everyones benefit.

All the best,

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