Morning lovely Sangita, hope life is treating you well.
I like the sound of your teacher...wise man!!!
What I wrote comes from life experience, I'm very glad you liked it, & also that I have finally come to the point in my life where I can step back and find the lessons. You appear to be very similar.
At the end of the day, LIFE is the ultimate teacher, but as you so wisely observe, you cannot be taught, or teach until the student is ready to learn. I am a teacher myself (primary school & adult), and one of may favourite quotes is 'the guru will appear when the student is ready'. This applies to any & all situations, and is a great starting point: by taking that split second to observe & ask for revelation, we open our minds and are better able to receive the answers.
None of us is perfect, just perfectly human, to make mistakes is our destiny, to learn from those mistakes is our choice.
Namaste, much love to all,
From: sangita borgave <sangita142002@
To: mylifeismine@
Sent: Wednesday, 10 June, 2009 6:04:21 PM
Subject: Re: [mylifeismine] Re: leaving...
Hi everyone As usual Gail always inspires me to post! I am going to save the third paragraph of Gail's mail and read it often. This is what most of us do. We really do charge through life expecting answers. (BTW whatever I am writing is nothing to do with Kiki or her decision to leave the group - these are just thoughts that Gail has provoked). Gail's mail reminds me of a teacher I had way back in college. He often had some brillaint yet young students asking him questions many of which to the students chagrin he refused to answer. He would very often bluntly say - ask me a couple of years later when you have read some more. He also refused to teach until he thought the student was ready to learn or deserved to learn. One of life's most painful lessons is learning how to cope when we dont get what we want. I am still learning. I feel that to on with joy in your life even when you have been sorely disappointed requires that you believe that life is a precious beautiful gift. You have to believe in life thats all. Many dont have even this basic gift of life, or it is taken away from them too soon. Learning to be patient is one of the most difficult lessons in my life and I often fail miserably. I still blow up over things and then wish I had'nt. I still expect too much out of life. Is it really possible to be completely at peace with yourself while coping with all the frustrations and demands of life? How can we tone down our desires but still continue working hard and be the best we are? Kiki sorry about your posts though. I usually check for all posts but sometimes over the weekend things get occasionally delayed. Warm Regards Sangita --- On Wed, 10/6/09, Gail <positiveeq@yahoo.> wrote:
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