[mylifeismine] My life is mine

Thanks for your response,
Maybe the problem is in mine, because I dont want to have best friends, as I dont want to share my life with them. I have few friends but once i feel they start to get involve in my life then I start to take a distance between us...

there are a lot of things keep swinging around inside my head, I keep thinking I need a friend which I can talk to about my problem, but other side my mind I know I dont need anybody because i found sometimes people like to judge rather than give a solution...

I dont know if I am wrong or right...

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Re: [mylifeismine] bit dark in here, where is the switch?

Hi Sangita,
Lovely to hear you had a chance to look Byron Katie up. I have a little book of some of her insights (there is a link on the website for this), which I really enjoy & have passed to many friends.
Our chat has raised this subject has been very timely for me, and drew me back to her concepts at a time when I needed to review them & reposition my mind - centre myself! Instead of the boat (me) rocking insanely across the sea of life, the keel (me) is achieving balance once more. No doubt it may become tossed upon waves once more, but I am grateful to know where to look to quell the sea-sickness!
Forgive the metaphors, but they are so very true.
With thanks & blessings, Gail

From: sangita borgave <sangita142002@yahoo.co.in>
To: mylifeismine@yahoogroups.com.au
Sent: Monday, 30 March, 2009 7:54:53 PM
Subject: Re: [mylifeismine] bit dark in here, where is the switch?

  I kept this mail in my inbox so that  I could reply to it. (I have been a little pressed for time). Thank you Gail for your kind words, I always enjoy reading your responses in this forum.
 I deliberately waited till i had checked out Byron Katie's website and I found it interesting.
 Changing your perception can be the most difficult thing but it is an effort that proves worthwhile.
 Life really is too short. We should make the best of it. Who knows what wonderful things things lie at the end of the tunnel?!!
Warm regards

--- On Sat, 21/3/09, Gail <positiveeq@yahoo. com.au> wrote:

From: Gail <positiveeq@yahoo. com.au>
Subject: Re: [mylifeismine] bit dark in here, where is the switch?
To: mylifeismine@ yahoogroups. com.au
Date: Saturday, 21 March, 2009, 4:43 AM

For most of us the switch is there, we just got to find it & choose to turn it on!!
As usual Sangita has provided us all with beautiful advice - you must be a lovely person Sangita, it is an honour to share with you.
May I add something for everyone: an author who helped me through a traumatic time in my life, and allowed me to be able to change my perception, because that is all that it is about:
Byron Katie - do a google search to find her home page, there is a wealth of helpful advice and many great exercises - she writes from experience..
Love & be loved, it is the greatest single cure that exists, and as Ghandi so profoundly stated: Be the change you want to see in the world.
Blessings, Gail

From: sangita borgave <sangita142002@ yahoo.co. in>
To: mylifeismine@ yahoogroups. com.au
Sent: Thursday, 19 March, 2009 4:58:20 PM
Subject: Re: [mylifeismine] bit dark in here, where is the switch?

 Everyone goes through dark periods. I have recently become good friends with a wonderful person who suffers from depression and that got me thinking about it. I also have a cousin brother who suffers from depression but he seems to have given up the fight which has all of us irritated and concerned at the same time.
 The thing is life holds so many challenges and so many of us are struggling so much that how are we any different form people sufferring from the disease? Dont get me wrong, I know how powerfully depression can handicap you, but what I mean is so many of us so called "normal people" often have such long and dark periods of feeling low, where we feel overwhelmed by life's challenges.
 Anyway those were just some of my thoughts.
 As for dealing with this I always depend on exercise. I exercise like my life depended on it (it probably does). No many how shitty you feel before starting a workout you always feel better at the end of it. It does'nt have to be a perfect work out, but it should be a little strenuous. After a good bout of exercise you feel physically and mentally lighter. I often walk very briskly with soem uphill trekking for an hour. There is a place not far from my house with woods and lots of trees and I take myself there if I'm feeling down. I have my music and then I set off. (But not melancholy music).
 I also eat well - i.e.. no junk food, lots of fruits and vegetables and no soda  or alcohol. I keep the food simple and home cooked.
Its just not worth it to give in to cravings and then feel worse afterwards. You only delay your recovery period if you do that.
 I also read a lot of positive books. I am currently reading "Psychocybernetics" by Dr Maxwell Maltz. Its reputedly a very popular book on how to get more out of your life.
 And last but not the least talking with a good friend always helps. It helps to get it out of your system a little. When someone tells you that you are not the only one sufferring or that what you are sufferring is normal and that you will get out of it, well it helps to some extent.
And always remind yourself that life is not fair. And if you are sufferring.. .. well...if not you then who? Would you be so bad as to wish your problems on someone else?  Who would you give your problems to? Your neighbour? Your parents? your friends?

--- On Tue, 17/3/09, matthew naughton <mattynaught01@ yahoo.com> wrote:

From: matthew naughton <mattynaught01@ yahoo.com>
Subject: [mylifeismine] bit dark in here, where is the switch?
To: mylifeismine@ yahoogroups. com.au
Date: Tuesday, 17 March, 2009, 6:18 PM

i just went through a period during which i knew i was going to end up in a very dark place.
i could not avoid it but i talked about it with a valued and trusted friend and it helped me when that time arrived, as it is normally a very bad time.
however i believe that a few well chosen and simple words helped me through this time a lot quicker than would have been normally the case.
does any one else have simillar experience that they would like to share, how they cope when they know they are depressed or just low?
i would find it helpfull and i am sure some others would too.

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Re: [mylifeismine] bit dark in here, where is the switch?

  I kept this mail in my inbox so that  I could reply to it. (I have been a little pressed for time). Thank you Gail for your kind words, I always enjoy reading your responses in this forum.
 I deliberately waited till i had checked out Byron Katie's website and I found it interesting.
 Changing your perception can be the most difficult thing but it is an effort that proves worthwhile.
 Life really is too short. We should make the best of it. Who knows what wonderful things things lie at the end of the tunnel?!!
Warm regards

--- On Sat, 21/3/09, Gail <positiveeq@yahoo.com.au> wrote:

From: Gail <positiveeq@yahoo.com.au>
Subject: Re: [mylifeismine] bit dark in here, where is the switch?
To: mylifeismine@yahoogroups.com.au
Date: Saturday, 21 March, 2009, 4:43 AM

For most of us the switch is there, we just got to find it & choose to turn it on!!
As usual Sangita has provided us all with beautiful advice - you must be a lovely person Sangita, it is an honour to share with you.
May I add something for everyone: an author who helped me through a traumatic time in my life, and allowed me to be able to change my perception, because that is all that it is about:
Byron Katie - do a google search to find her home page, there is a wealth of helpful advice and many great exercises - she writes from experience..
Love & be loved, it is the greatest single cure that exists, and as Ghandi so profoundly stated: Be the change you want to see in the world.
Blessings, Gail

From: sangita borgave <sangita142002@ yahoo.co. in>
To: mylifeismine@ yahoogroups. com.au
Sent: Thursday, 19 March, 2009 4:58:20 PM
Subject: Re: [mylifeismine] bit dark in here, where is the switch?

 Everyone goes through dark periods. I have recently become good friends with a wonderful person who suffers from depression and that got me thinking about it. I also have a cousin brother who suffers from depression but he seems to have given up the fight which has all of us irritated and concerned at the same time.
 The thing is life holds so many challenges and so many of us are struggling so much that how are we any different form people sufferring from the disease? Dont get me wrong, I know how powerfully depression can handicap you, but what I mean is so many of us so called "normal people" often have such long and dark periods of feeling low, where we feel overwhelmed by life's challenges.
 Anyway those were just some of my thoughts.
 As for dealing with this I always depend on exercise. I exercise like my life depended on it (it probably does). No many how shitty you feel before starting a workout you always feel better at the end of it. It does'nt have to be a perfect work out, but it should be a little strenuous. After a good bout of exercise you feel physically and mentally lighter. I often walk very briskly with soem uphill trekking for an hour. There is a place not far from my house with woods and lots of trees and I take myself there if I'm feeling down. I have my music and then I set off. (But not melancholy music).
 I also eat well - i.e. no junk food, lots of fruits and vegetables and no soda  or alcohol. I keep the food simple and home cooked.
Its just not worth it to give in to cravings and then feel worse afterwards. You only delay your recovery period if you do that.
 I also read a lot of positive books. I am currently reading "Psychocybernetics" by Dr Maxwell Maltz. Its reputedly a very popular book on how to get more out of your life.
 And last but not the least talking with a good friend always helps. It helps to get it out of your system a little. When someone tells you that you are not the only one sufferring or that what you are sufferring is normal and that you will get out of it, well it helps to some extent.
And always remind yourself that life is not fair. And if you are sufferring.. .. well...if not you then who? Would you be so bad as to wish your problems on someone else?  Who would you give your problems to? Your neighbour? Your parents? your friends?

--- On Tue, 17/3/09, matthew naughton <mattynaught01@ yahoo.com> wrote:

From: matthew naughton <mattynaught01@ yahoo.com>
Subject: [mylifeismine] bit dark in here, where is the switch?
To: mylifeismine@ yahoogroups. com.au
Date: Tuesday, 17 March, 2009, 6:18 PM

i just went through a period during which i knew i was going to end up in a very dark place.
i could not avoid it but i talked about it with a valued and trusted friend and it helped me when that time arrived, as it is normally a very bad time.
however i believe that a few well chosen and simple words helped me through this time a lot quicker than would have been normally the case.
does any one else have simillar experience that they would like to share, how they cope when they know they are depressed or just low?
i would find it helpfull and i am sure some others would too.

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[mylifeismine] Choice

As humans have an almost magical ability to create beauty in the world,
why choose to dwell on the ugliness you find?
Notice it yes, but don't choose to live there in your heart and mind.
As a wise man once said 'Though I walk through the valley of death
doesn't mean I'm gonna build a house there!'

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[mylifeismine] Re: how far is help away ???

--- In mylifeismine@yahoogroups.com.au, "cantsingcandance11" <cantsingcandance11@...> wrote:
> Don't know about how far it is away!! I seem to be headed in the wrong direction.......

Well, it's not far away at all. If you're looking outside yourself, then you're looking in the wrong direction.

Actually we already have all the answers within ourselves.. yet we're too wrapped up in the fearful darkness of our fear-riddled mind. Dunno his context, but one of Einstein's many great quotes is ~ "We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking that created them."
Our fight-flight emotions feed us with energy, but when it's only our ego in social 'danger', there's no "sabre-tooth tiger"/physical thing to deal with, so the self-protective [i.e. fearful/angry] thoughts keep running around, wanting to control our environment. Going that way is the "wrong direction".

Push those thoughts out to arms-length distance and - without judging (just acceptance that "what is, is") - purely watch them as though you're an angel impartially observing some other person. As Eckhart Tolle puts it so well (apologies I don't have the beautiful full stanza quote with me), "The beginning of freedom is the realization that you are not the thinker ..." (we are a thing with this field of awareness/consciousness). It's just an illusion that, unfortunately, easily becomes entrenched as a habitual way of thinking during childhood.

Anyway, let's get to your key answer: help is 1-30 minutes away - simply as along as it takes you to find a calm place (appropriate music may help) and really relax, and focus your consciousness (awareness) on your body or breathing. This takes our attention away from the stream of thoughts coming out of our egoic mind (which is scarred with habits of fearful thinking we learnt when [vulnerable] children). Then there is room in our awareness for loving thoughts to enter from our intuition/subconscious/best self/the divine/'Kingdom of God' inside us/__ .
It can be helpful to ask Spencer Johnson's ("One Minute for Yourself") question, ~"What is the best way to care for myself right now?".

Know that it's perfectly normal and okay (even after years of daily practice in taking some calm time-out) for fear-driven thoughts/feelings to still enter your awareness. Just remember you are "the watcher", not your thoughts or feelings.
Just "hug" them with thanks for their messages that want to protect you, then let them go.
(If this seems hard at first, use the Sedona Method of releasing (which is a third alternative to suppressing or expressing):
Could I allow this feeling to be here?
Could I welcome this feeling?
then cycle through
Could I let this feeling go?
Will I let this feeling go?
without being concerned whether the answer is 'yes' or 'no', as expained fully at http://www.sedona.com/html/Sample-Of-Process.aspx
which is a site full of good advice actually)

This listening to our intuitive ("right brain") self can also be complemented by (analytical "left-brain") dispassionate reflective (that is, fully conscious) thinking. That is facilitated by:
- writing a private journal
- talking with a CBT/RET therapist or at least someone who can listen empathically and help you get past the emotions and ask the right questions,
- methods like the previously recommended & very cleverly illuminating www.TheWork.com developed by Byron Katie.
These help us see the dysfunctional thought habits and reveal the underlying unhealthy beliefs (like "I am not good enough" or "I must ..." or "Life should be fair" or "People must always be loving and trustable") that are the nub of our challenges.

As Sangita suggested already as a great way of getting to a calm place, we also need to exercise - (1) in order to burn up that fight-flight psycho-physical energy and (2) because this is another method which takes our awareness away from that stream of fear-driven thinking.
Look into "mindfulness" too.

As a final note, beware that 'must control my environment' [WRONG - that may be impossible - leading unconsciously to more fear] (egoic mind's) fear-full thinking often leads us to distort our beliefs about 'reality' (a solution that our brain imagines which fits with our sensations of objective "actuality" and prior beliefs).
(Observe some of the crazy things we may say when angry energy gets us reacting before our brain can process beyond black & white thinking.)
Fear of pain often leads to denial (the first stage in grief i.e. fearfully reacting to changes our environment). By accepting that pain is a part of life, we can transcend it and avoid all that suffering when we pretend we can run away from the inevitable.

Likewise, because the 'reality' the brain perceives depends on those prior thoughts and beliefs. So, as had already been mentioned (and per The Secret), when you feel bad, it's good to give thanks (it's perhaps the simplest form of loving) - think of a few things one can grateful for, however small, or a fond memory.

Thankfully, the more we do these things, the easier it gets.
It only lack of practice that makes it seems 'hard' to get our (judgmental) mind out of our way.

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[mylifeismine] Re: how far is help away ???

Don't know about how far it is away!! I seem to be headed in the wrong direction.......

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Re: [mylifeismine] bit dark in here, where is the switch?

Hi Matt ,
Thngs can and will get on top of us if we let them.
That is easer said than done.
I can get very very depressed.
I do not have any friends that are close.
I have a few people that I talk to and that helps
So I do not have anyone to talk to and things can look pretty grim at times.
If you have a friend that you can talk to that will help you.
Go for a walk and clear your mind.
Try to do other things when you get really down.
Talk to some one and maybe you will be able to sort out your problems.
Hope I have helped.
Example: my hubby is very sick-my house gets in a mess that I have no control over-I am responsible for all the bills and problems in the house.
I have been depressed bad for months now.
I started colledge 2 days ago HENCE my mind has been off my problems.
Hope this helps you

From: Fiona King <housekitten_au@y7mail.com>
To: mylifeismine@yahoogroups.com.au
Sent: Tuesday, 24 March, 2009 1:44:47 AM
Subject: Re: [mylifeismine] bit dark in here, where is the switch?

Hi Matt

I feel that when we feel depressed and cannot see anything positive in our life we do create more and attract more negative experiences to us by giving those feelings power. It is human reaction and one that is hard to change. Our thoughts I believe create our lives in a way we do not initially see the ripples. It is similar to getting out of bed in the morning and stubbing your toe! Your whole day then goes from bad to worse. For some of us anyway.
I have put power quotes around my home in power places, gentle reminders for me personally.I remind myself when I feel down " your thoughts create your universe" then I ask myself what are my thoughts creating for me. You may think me silly but Gratitude for what we do have in my life helps me as gratitude brings so many positive feelings and opens up many doors that would normally remain closed if I was in a negative space.
Each soul on earth has many lessons to learn..
Have a good one

--- On Tue, 17/3/09, matthew naughton <mattynaught01@ yahoo.com> wrote:

From: matthew naughton <mattynaught01@ yahoo.com>
Subject: [mylifeismine] bit dark in here, where is the switch?
To: mylifeismine@ yahoogroups. com.au
Received: Tuesday, 17 March, 2009, 12:48 PM

i just went through a period during which i knew i was going to end up in a very dark place.
i could not avoid it but i talked about it with a valued and trusted friend and it helped me when that time arrived, as it is normally a very bad time.
however i believe that a few well chosen and simple words helped me through this time a lot quicker than would have been normally the case.
does any one else have simillar experience that they would like to share, how they cope when they know they are depressed or just low?
i would find it helpfull and i am sure some others would too.

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[mylifeismine] how far is help away ???

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