Re: [mylifeismine] Re: St John's Wort and more -> more love

Hi Rose,
There's also a lot of good info on returning to our 'happy place' and getting rid of depression from following John Gray's books (Venus and Mars, relationships).
The book titled 'Venus and Mars diet and exercise solution' shows how to manage (balance) brain chemistry through diet and re-establish a more balanced perspective, happy outlook on life.
I borrow his books from the library and the ones I like (am finding this is all of them), I try to buy second hand if I can, and new if not.

For a quick way to feel the experience of what being at the universal wavelength of Love feels like. Yes, love has an electromagnetic  frequency (doesn't everything).
Look at something beautiful - this can be anything - stare at it until you feel its beauty. The sensation is akin to the feeling of being in love. It raises your energy level and when you look at another person (for eg) it will raise their energy level as well as your own.
Whenever someone shouts at you disrespectfully, this immediately drops your energy level (this happens when we shout at kids), but to raise it again use the above technique.
The first time I tried this I felt like jumping outta my skin it felt that good (lol).
It comes from 'The Celestine Prophecy' by James Redfield.

We all want to be healthy (no brainer) but to dwell on ill health is to pull this towards us. There is a fine line here.
Think about what you want in life, not on what you don't. If you have negative emotions surfacing, ask yourself why you feel the way you do. There are several levels of emotions and if we are stuck at one, think about it from another. This is how to work your way back to happiness.
If you are angry, express what you feel angry about, then ask yourself what you feel sad about, then afraid, then sorry, frustrated, disappointed, worried, embarrassed, jealous, hurt, scared then ashamed. Work through 3 or 4 levels and see if you feel better. If not, continue down the list until you do.
This is the advice offered by John Gray in "How to get what you want and want what you have".
He also offers ways to get over being blocked at emotional impasses - being stuck and unable to resolve issues.
The 12 blocks are: blame, depression, anxiety, indifference, judgement, indecision, procrastination, perfectionism, resentment, self-pity, confusion & guilt. By feeling the negative emotion that corresponds with each of these blocks, it heals us and allows us to let go and move on.
I think I want to get one of each of the books he's written. I've learnt more from reading a few of them that ever in dealing with people over the last 42 years.
We are in control of how and why we feel the way we do, and so, we can make changes for the better. We do not need to rely on anyone else but ourselves for how we feel, and John Gray has shown a way to feel the best we can.

To release any negative energy that you've built up, use running water, touch the plants in the garden, hug an old tree, sit in the branches of an old tree (young trees have too feisty an energy), walk barefoot over natural ground, meditate.
Nature recycles everything including our negative energy.

Rose Volpe wrote:

Hey Sue,
It's great your doctor was open to the use of St John's Wort. I've been intimidated a great many a time seeing GP's who were not so open to natural medicine. ( I usually see GP/naturopath whenever possible should I require).
Just did an internet search on St John's Wort and it seems in some cases it can increase sensitivity to the sun after a period of time. I'm guessing like with most things this would vary from person to person and perhaps not affect some this way at all?
Pretty sure there's a natural supply of something else for depression should this be an issue for anybody (we are well equipped naturally I think), either ingestinal or sensational, as has been mentioned in the last few entries. Meditation and prayer being others as well. ( And if that's not strong enough - energetic support in the form of light healing and or reiki for a time perhaps?).
Just had a memory of a kinesthetic exercise which helps to get into body/senses-
-closing eyes or blind fold for a while and feel/sense your way. (helps with connecting to intuition and letting go of control as well - getting into the juiciness of sensation).
Is unfortunate perhaps that drugs are heavy in our systems and overlooked by many "health professionals." My understanding is that in general natural medicine as it would suggest works/enhances the natural process of our bodies (supports immunity) and most drugs work against it to suppress symptoms rather than support our system back to health.
Oh you've got me going on this ! I could go on !
Each to their own of course. Is just my conclusion/opinion.
I like the Donkey Tale very much. Something of the sort occurred today. Where I realised -I'm in a real energetic pickle and then I thought - step up.
Good one.
Hey you've got me after a chocolate binge (which is a real no, no for me). I'm high but underneath this I'm a bit whiney. I feel undersocialised at present. I had a friend which I left because of the differences between us. I like him very much but his thought processes and attitude affect me greatly in terms of being positive and feeling supported in my life path. I find it difficult to associate with him at all now. Kept hanging on for a long, I thought he might decide to "step up"and/or sought out some positive energizing practise/assistance at some point but it seems to me his ideology centres around saboting this in all respects. It's like he's not moving and I'm not happy staying in that space.
mmmmmmmmmmm............. :-(.
Nothing has to be I guess, just miss him to a degree and not so easy being alone all the time at present.-New things in my life due to having left this person and going my own way though I am alone and it's challenging. - Along the lines of a couple of more recent entries I believe. - (Bed soon).
Thanks for reading,
All the best,

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