[mylifeismine] Re: re- advice

I really like that and agree..just keep doing one thing that relaxes
or gets your mind away from the stress..i use walks through gardens,
exercise, gardening..they are all good ideas you have put forward
thanks again

- In mylifeismine@yahoogroups.com.au, "sangita142002"
<sangita142002@...> wrote:
> Awright!! 'm really happy with the way things are going here. Grace you
> came along and really set the ball rolling! Now we have so many inputs
> from people who have tried and tested these remedies and KNOW that
> these work for them. At times when life is tough. Thats the best
> part.Getting your advice from someone who's been there. Maybe thats
> what we need to do when we're going through a bad patch. Do one thing
> consistantly, whether its gardening, going to a lovely park, swimming
> in the ocean, whatever. Just one thing that is physical. Even if the
> rest of the day and your emotions during the rest of the day are
> falling apart. Before you know it things start coming together again.
> Keep 'em coming guys!
> Sangita

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