[mylifeismine] Re: Describe life's journey...


To seek out and live by the Truth as prescribed by our Creator.


--- In mylifeismine@yahoogroups.com.au, "smileykandle" <smileykandle@...> wrote:
> --- In mylifeismine@yahoogroups.com.au, "smileykandle" <smileykandle@> wrote:
> >
> > If you had to describe the purpose of life's journey here on earth to
> > an alien, what would you say? Understandbly, the answers will be
> > individualist. However, it would be intersting to view if there is a
> > common element that we all seem to believe is essentially valuable as
> > life takes it's course. Is it about family, friends, pain and
> > suffering, the almighty dollar? Maybe it's some of the above, or to
> > others, it's more of a spiritual journey. Let's see what some members
> > have to comment and find out their sentiments.
> >

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