Re: [mylifeismine] support for kanga4282

Perfection - you are not meant to be perfect but perfectly human and you have succeeded :-) .
The 'spot' can be found through the 'power of Now' written about in book of same title by Eckhart Tolle.
The Now can easily be found by placing your attention on how your body feels. In that moment you stop thinking and simply are.
On a greater scale it connects you with the universe in a feeling of being one with it.
A good way to release negative energy is to touch the plants in your garden, hug a tree (and thank it for being there), put your hands into the earth (gardening). Natural naturally absorbs negative energy putting it to positive use.

tiffanymeek2000 wrote:

Dear Kanga

In my mid twenties I burnt out and was bedridden for a while. My
parents had to nurse me like a child. I held on to my sanity for grim
death. And I made it through. It was the worse and best time of my
life because I stood on the precipice and looked over, and I saw many
things about myself and the world. I still make many mistakes in my
life... I have no expectation of perfection, but I understand some of
the things that REALLY matter.

Here's the thing...

Inside you is a spot, it is hard to describe, but you can find it if
you sit quietly and contemplate on it. It is a spot that is higher,
greater than the rest of you
. It is a part of you, and yet it isn't. I
don't think it has a name. It never gets depressed, it never gets
angry, and it is never happy - it just IS. If you can find this place
inside you, I believe it can lead you out of the dark well that you
reside in. At least it did for me. And it has for other people who
have turned to me for advice. Ask it questions and it will answer, and
the answers are always right and always to your benefit. I usually
hesitate to share this with most people because it sounds a little
strange to many - but I found it, it healed me, and therefore I know
it to be true for me.

Wrap your mind in cottonwool, as if it is broken, and tend to it with
love and care. Even if you don't like yourself or your world right now
accept that this is not your true path, and conscientiously turn away
from it. Read positive books, walk in green lush gardens, be with kind
and gentle friends, sit by streams and watch the water go by. Let
yourself BE. While you are so ill (and that's what depression is) put
yourself first and let good people care for you. This is what every
ill person needs. Give yourself every opportunity to heal. Surround
yourself with the things you need to heal.

I'm not sure if this is the case for you - but for me I found myself
absorbed by introspection. This can be good and bad. If you are
totally absorbed with thinking about and feeling what is going on
inside you, then you need to do things that will bring you back to the
outside world for a proportion of the day. Constant negative
introspection will draw you down, down, down. Let yourself be lifted
by beautiful things, animals, nature. Get yourself back to the basics.
Concentrate on eating lovely healthy food, being with friends, walking
in beautiful places.

I think that one of the worst things that you can do when you are
depressed is watch TV. Television is designed to give you an emotional
rollercoaster ride. For a depressed or burnt out person, it is like
trying to run on a broken leg with no caste.

And please remember - depression is your adversary. It will try to
convince you of many things which are untrue. In the place you are in
now you cannot see the miracle of life. But nothing changes the fact
that this is an undeniable TRUTH. In the same way that you could be
dying of thirst in the dessert, and not be able to see the well just
over the dune - you've walked for days and there was no well, so why
believe it could be there. But the fact is - the well IS THERE.

Depression is natures way of telling you that you are ignoring your
true self - not the part of you that wants a fancy car, or a fancy
house - but the part of you that wants peace, a place, and a sense of
belonging amongst other things. Give yourself these things, one step
at a time, and you will heal.

I don't know why you have come to be depressed Kanga, but something
within your journey is trapped deep down inside, and has yet to be
faced. Find it, face it, give it a piece of your mind - then hug it
close, forgive it, and let it go to a place where it can live out
eternity in peace. Then you will be free.

You have my love and respect on your journey out of depression and
back to a happy life.

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