[mylifeismine] Re: What DRIVES You?

--- In mylifeismine@yahoogroups.com.au, "perry enriquez"
<perryenriquez@...> wrote:
> Ok Here's the topic:
> What DRIVES You?
> If you don't know where you're going, how would you know you've
> If you don't know where you're going, then any destination will do!
what drives me? Fear or interest are what drives me. Fear makes me
get off my backside and do a task I wouldn't otherwise do. If I'm
really interested in something, I will get stuck into it. What sort
of fear am I talking about? Fear of embarassment mostly, or fear of
losing substantial sums of money..

I would say that an interesting topic would be "what motivates you?
What is it that you really want? What does a human being really need,
apart from the basic necessities." Do others think that that would be
a good topic? I'm actually new to all of this, and so am unaware of
what has been discussed before.... It may have already been discussed
many times.

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