Re: [mylifeismine] What is REALITY?

Hi Perry,


Ever heard of Byron Katie and her work, called 'The Work'?

She talks about our subjective perceptions of reality as 'our story'. Everyone has their own version of what it is...hence our miscommunications. Especially in an ego-centric world, where persons assume their truth/reality to be the One and Only truth/reality.


Byron Katie poses a great question: she asks "who would you be without your story?', which is basically the same as the topic you have posed. It is a very confronting question, because it requires that we drop our 'melodrama' and expose the bare essentials of reality/truth/facts.


Once we detach the emotion from the event, we are able to realise how we are controlled by emotions, and how we are prone to misinterpretations, and ultimately, how we can become more 'enlightened' or aware that to 'assume' is to make an ASS out of U and ME.


Best wishes, Gail

----- Original Message ----
From: perry enriquez <>
Sent: Sunday, 3 August, 2008 7:31:45 PM
Subject: [mylifeismine] What is REALITY?

REALITY is how YOU "define" it. Hard to believe? Imagine being born
without your FIVE (5) senses; that is, you have no sight, no smell,
no hearing, no touch and no kinesthesis. All you have is a beating
heart, breathing lungs, and a conscious brain. Now HOW would YOU define
"reality"? Isn't this a reality that is UNIQUE to you, and only YOU?

Conclusion: We each create our own "reality". Our individual
mental, emotional and physical "states" determine how we piece together
and create a "world" that, in return, we "perceive". How each of us
view this life, experience it and live it is, essentially, our
own "creation".


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