Re: [mylifeismine] What is REALITY?

I don't agree that we create our own reality. I think reality is something forced on to us by a predetermined history, economy etc. You asked us to imagine a beating heart. Now imagine, you were born with nothing of the comforts of what you have now. Even food, truly can that being create a different reality?
I think not. There are many people who suffer because of philosophical elitism. For example the Africa problem. It is their problem after all. Not a global problem. It's an African political problem is it not?
For each of us to create our own "world" and how we perceived it, i think would be to identify a delusion of something not real. I do agree that it is to the individual to create their own state of mind an attitude. However, family, culture and environmental factors in how that individual responses are a tautology, a monkey see monkey do scenario. Each one of us beings is not an "Island" we rely on each other in some form of recognition and approval. Therefore creating ones own reality is a cooperative method.
But this leaves me saying, we are born naked and from our mothers we come, we journey and suffer through out life, we die clothed and alone.What we do in between time is entertain our intellects and dance around the truth. Money truly is the root of all evil necessity i think. If you don't agree you can post it all to me, i'm sure you wont mind.

----- Original Message ----
From: chris cleary <>
Sent: Monday, 4 August, 2008 3:12:49 AM
Subject: RE: [mylifeismine] What is REALITY?

Very well said perry i like it

To: mylifeismine@ yahoogroups.
From: perryenriquez@
Date: Sun, 3 Aug 2008 09:31:45 +0000
Subject: [mylifeismine] What is REALITY?

REALITY is how YOU "define" it. Hard to believe? Imagine being born
without your FIVE (5) senses; that is, you have no sight, no smell,
no hearing, no touch and no kinesthesis. All you have is a beating
heart, breathing lungs, and a conscious brain. Now HOW would YOU define
"reality"? Isn't this a reality that is UNIQUE to you, and only YOU?

Conclusion: We each create our own "reality". Our individual
mental, emotional and physical "states" determine how we piece together
and create a "world" that, in return, we "perceive". How each of us
view this life, experience it and live it is, essentially, our
own "creation".


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