Re: [mylifeismine] What is REALITY? -> the nature of thought


--- sangita borgave <> wrote:

> Well said sue!
> I think this is what I meant to say. I really
> enjoyed this mail.
> --- On Thu, 28/8/08, Sue McEwen
> <> wrote:
> From: Sue McEwen <>
> Subject: Re: [mylifeismine] What is REALITY? -> the
> nature of thought
> To:
> Date: Thursday, 28 August, 2008, 9:30 AM
> Suffering isn't due to money. Money doesn't do
> anything. Its what we think of money, and how,
> that's the problem.
> True wealth can be determined by what you have left
> when you have no money.
> There are some Rich that are arrogant but also a lot
> of poor people that are arrogant too. Its a human
> affliction.
> Desire is the cause of all suffering (Buddhism).
> It's not up to the Rich to lower interest rates.
> The rich might get richer but that because they know
> how. Some of them also become poor, but because they
> know how to create financial wealth, they can climb
> back up to being rich again.
> Creating wealth (in whatever area of your life) is
> determined by you, how you think and how you conduct
> your life.
> If you don't have the right wealth creation mindset
> you are unlikely to become wealthy.
> If you become wealthy by accident it is likely
> you'll not hold onto that wealth for long.
> How many times have you heard people winning the
> lottery and within 12 - 24 months have nothing left?
> We all live as we think we should.
> Many of us have a poverty creation mindset.
> What is THE most important thing in your life?
> Write down the top ten with the most important at
> number one.
> How far down the list is money?
> Any wonder that you might not be financially
> wealthy?
> Most of us (I imagine) put family, happiness, first.
> The 13 steps to riches (Napoleon Hill):
> desire - everything starts with this, a thought.
> faith - believe that you can do it, can get there
> auto-suggestion - your subconscious has to be
> onboard for this one
> specialised knowledge
> imagination
> organised planning
> decision - decide to go ahead
> persistence - and keep to that decision, no matter
> what
> power of the mastermind - others of like mind are a
> great help to work with
> the mystery of sex transmutation - a higher reason
> for creating wealth. Doing for something/one other
> than ourselves.
> the subconscious mind
> the brain
> the sixth sense
> Many run out of 'puff' when it comes to number 8.
> persistence.
> The book 'Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill is a
> great read.
> Every single person can make a difference on their
> own. Everyone does.
> When enough want the same thing, it becomes more
> likely and more possible.
> Think about what you do want, not what you don't. If
> you think about what you don't want, that's what
> you're gonna get - what you don't want.
> Be grateful for the good AND the bad. Without the
> bad there can't be a concept of good. And what
> lessons would there be to learn without the bad?
> It adds incentive to life (lol).
> Sue
> Dean Nicholas wrote:
> Sangita, My life is meaningful, however you seem to
> have taken this me stereotyping. I was trying to
> argue that the rich are arrogant and that they think
> they have it all, philosophically speaking. Which is
> what this medium is all about is it not? I don't
> hate anyone except those with ignorance to what is
> happening around us every minute of everyday. There
> is a philosophical politeness in society that exist
> in you and others, seem to think everything is ok
> it's the individual and the perception of that
> individual. Well if i took your source of income and
> everything you have including your family and
> friends. I would like to see how philosophical you
> will be then and see if that chirpy nature you seem
> to exhibit freely without consideration to the
> recipient. This may sound extreme to you but that
> what happens to a lot of people everyday. Houses are
> re-possesed wages are not enough to cover even with
> two working. The mighty dollar rules
> protect the rich. Sure tell me you know of rich
> people who seem to be good people. That's not the
> arguement.  The argument is that what are they doing
> to make the interest rates drop to develop a fair
> system of tax and benefits how are they making
> others better off. There is a lot of unessecery
> suffering due to money. If the rich did not benefit
> from all the tax havens and offshore accounts ect
> and was bound by the country which housed them it
> maybe a different story then we can talk about
> that. 
> Unlimited freedom, unlimited storage. Get it
> now, on


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