I really like this message! I think a sign of healthy self esteem is that you can listen to someone else without feeling the immediate and overwhelming urge to chip in your two cents. If you're not insecure then you can camly listen to what someone is saying and give it your full attention, IMBIBE what the other person is saying and give a response from your heart. It is truly surprising that there are very few people in the world who can do that. When I made this discovery I was so surprised! When some one is talking you must be able to put a stop on the internal traffic in your mind, cleanse your mind of all the chaos and just listen. Don't feel threatened. It comes with practise. Even if someone says something that throws you off balance, if you are calm you can respond more effectively. I think this also comes from trying to make your self a more Pro-active person than a Reactive person.
Warm regards
youngpaul2 <youngpaul2@yahoo.com.au> wrote:
youngpaul2 <youngpaul2@yahoo.
A talk show host was interviewing a new starlet. Every time he asked
her a question she watched herself in the monitor, listening more to
herself than to him. Midway through the show, she was totally
flustered trying to watch herself and keep up to the shows progress.
At times we maybe so focused on ourselves that we are unable to see
anyone else. We soon became our own greatest fans, watching only
ourselves and listening only to our thoughts. Reflecting on today, we
maybe conscious of how much we spend talking about ourselves or
focusing attention on ourselves and our issues.
We can start to change this behavior. Instead of spending a few hours
focused on us, we can focus on a hobby a book or a movie like the
bucket list a real tear jerker. We aren't so important that we need to
keep a constant eye on ourself. There are lot more important people,
places and things to see, I can stop watching myself and start
noticing other. When I think and try to help others my simple life
improves 10 fold.
Regards Paul
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