Updates in Your Groups, May 24, 2010

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brim5540 posted a link Take your Social Networking activity up to the next level on Yahoo now!

[mylifeismine] Loving Companions



As thanks to the many past contributors who may also be glad to revisit points met through Tolle, Covey and Spencer Johnson for example,
and also as there's important learnings that I wish I'd responded with last year, thought I'd just post a mention of this broadcast/ podcast/ transcript featuring a few of speakers about marriage,


in particular the second half after MUSIC: 'Old World', with a Harville Hendrix and Neville Symington.
(I should note/warn this's part of the religion & ethics programming, hence the starting discussion and various references to some traditions' views and scripture. As an agnostic myself, that's not my motivation for raising this.)

Anyway, I'll leave you with an interesting observation from the seriously fun(ny) book "FISH! for Life":

"The real conversations required to sustain a relationship are easily recognized.
They are the ones that keep getting put off for another day."

Best wishes to you

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[mylifeismine] Happy New Year!


Hello all members!
A belated Happy New Year to all the dear members of the group. (Its still January so I can get away with it!).
Any new year resolutions? I just want to worry less and be more happy and am thinking that that is actually possible.

